Thursday, February 13, 2014

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27 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2013061052 Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) AMBAG 2014 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy, SBtCOG 2014 Regional Transportation Plan, SCCRTC 2014 Regional Transportation Plan
2008041070 City of Bakersfield 24th Street Improvement Project
2013122005 City of Blue Lake Blue Lake Roundstock LLC Dowell Mill Operation (312-161-020 & 313-231-001/2013)
2014022031 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Interstate 80 Three Mile Truck Climbing Lane Project
2014028130 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) SFO/San Bruno/ Colma Resilience Study
2014028134 Del Rey Community Services District Water Meter Installation Project
2012122013 City of Elk Grove Moore Sheldon Center (EG-11-033)
2013102047 City of Elk Grove Fieldstone North - EG-13-004 (Ordinance First Reading)
2014028131 California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES) New Lease Office/Warehouse Space for Governer's Office of Emergency Services in Stockton, CA
2002082043 City of Eureka Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0099-R1 - Martin Slough Interceptor Project - Phase 2
2013071038 City of Hermosa Beach E & B Oil Drilling and Production Project
2014021026 Kern County <09-13>: SEPV Mojave West Solar by SEPV Mojave West LLC; GPA 1; ZCC 56; CUP 14; Map No. 197
2011051068 City of Los Angeles Streambed Alteration Agreement Notification No. 1600-2013-0151-R6
2013041012 City of Los Angeles Mobility Plan 2035
2013122043 Los Carneros Water District Los Carneros Recycled Water Pipeline Project
2014021024 Madera County Arundo Eradication, Vegetation and Sand Removal
2014028127 City of Mammoth Lakes Meridian Boulevard Rehabilitation Project
2014028128 City of Mammoth Lakes District Monument Project
2014028129 City of Mammoth Lakes Interpretive Sign Panels Installation Project
2014022040 City of Menlo Park Housing Element Update (2015-2023) and Implementation
2012101003 City of Newport Beach Back Bay Landing Project
2014028133 California Department of Parks and Recreation Trail Closure Signs, Chino Hills SP (13/14-IE-10)
2014028132 Sacramento Municipal Utility District New Wair and Streamflow Gage, South Fork Rubicon River Below Robbs Peak Forebay Project
2010031050 San Benito County San Benito County Resource Recovery Park
2014021025 Santa Barbara County Orcutt Hill Resource Enhancement Plan
2006072018 Soquel Creek Water District Well Master Plan - Partial Project
2014022030 State Water Resources Control Board Applications 31059 and 31060 of Linholme Properties, Ltd to Appropriate Water by Permit