Friday, January 6, 2012

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22 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2012018030 California Department of Parks and Recreation Wilder Wood Shed Repairs
2008091026 San Luis Obispo County Topaz Solar Farm Project
2012018027 California Department of Parks and Recreation Recreation Hall Reroofing
2012012013 Shasta County Moody Flats Quarry
2012018024 California Department of Parks and Recreation Campground Accessibility Improvements
2012011008 City of Banning Circulation Element General Plan Amendment
2012012010 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Former Santa Cruz Manufactured Gas Plant - Feasility Study/Remedial Action Plan
2012012011 City of San Jose San Jose/Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant Nortech/Zanker Service Lateral, File No. PP11-054
2012018028 City of Dinuba Application No. 2011-14, Tentative Parcel Map
2012018025 University of California, Davis UC Davis Evaluation of Potential for Stormwater Toxicity Reduction by Low Impact Development Treatment Systems
2012012008 Mendocino County Single-Use Carryout Bag Ordinance
2012011009 Orange County Flood Control District Ocean Outlet Maintenance Manual
2012011007 City of Palmdale Housing Element Update
2011102021 Glenn County Thunderhill Solar Power, LLC, Williamson Act 2011-001, ZC 2011-003, Cond. Use Permit 2010-002 Amendment
2012012009 El Dorado County Z04-0016/Village P Rezone
2010064001 Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) Right-of-Way Maintenance in the San Joaquin Valley, California
2011041042 City of Los Angeles 10000 Santa Monica Boulevard Development
2011091007 City of Anaheim Honda Center Enhancement Project
2012012012 Sonoma County Salmon Creek Water Improvement Project (PLP11-0005)
2011092040 Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Alpine Pond Habitat Restoration and Interpretive Boardwalk
2011101054 City of Los Banos Northwest Corner of Badger Flat Road and Pacheco Blvd. Annexation and Site Plan
2012018026 California Department of Parks and Recreation Comfort Station Reroofing