Monday, October 31, 2011

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85 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2011111002 California Air Resources Board (ARB) Amendments to Sore and Tier 4 Off-Road CI Engine Regulations and Test Procedures
2011101075 Merced County E&J Gallo Livingston Winery Eastside Expansion
2011108383 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Right-of-Way Use - PRC 2984.2
2011108360 California State Lands Commission Consider Acceptance of a Lease Quitclaim Deed and Issuance of a Recreational Pier Lease - PRC 5278.9
2009042050 Fish & Game #2 Nimbus Hatchery Fish Passage Project (NHFPP)
2007072122 City of Plymouth Shenandoah Ridge and Zinfandel Residential Development Projects
2011108337 California Tahoe Conservancy License for Access Across Conservancy Property
2011092064 Sacramento County RE McKenzie Road Solar Facility Use Permit and Special Development Permit
2011108377 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Public Agency Use - PRC 6853.9
2011108340 California Department of Parks and Recreation LAZ Parking - South Sector - Remove & Replace Pay Parking Machines
2007072036 California State Lands Commission San Francisco Bay and Delta Sand Mining Project
2011052007 City of Half Moon Bay North Cabrillo Highway Subdivision Project
2011108334 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 3 (Central Coast), San Luis Obispo Grand Island Levee Erosion Repair Project
2011108380 California State Lands Commission Continuation of Rent - PRC 8737.1
2011071025 City of Goleta South Kellogg Concrete and Asphalt Recycling Facility
2011108357 California State Lands Commission Revision of Rent
2011108351 California State Lands Commission Recreational Pier Lease - PRC 8264.9
2011109373 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Public Agency Use - W 26515
2011108374 California State Lands Commission Continuation of Rent - PRC 7859.1
2011108391 California State Lands Commission Consider Approval of a Lease Amendment and Assignment of 100% of Aera Energy LLC's Interest in Oil and Gas Lease of State Owned Lands At Bolsa Chica State Beach
2011108368 California State Lands Commission Revision of Rent PRC - 7123.1
2011108354 California State Lands Commission Recreational Pier Lease - W 26390
2011108348 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 3756.1
2011108371 California State Lands Commission Revision of Rent - PRC 8678.1
2011101073 City of Morro Bay Zoning Text Amendment A00-013 Amending Section 17.48.32
2011108352 California State Lands Commission Recreational Pier Lease - PRC 7397.9
2005021104 City of Morro Bay Morro Bay State Park Marina Maintenance Dredging Project
2010041061 San Diego Association of Governments 2050 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategies Programmatic EIR
2011042089 Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) New Ukiah Courthouse
2011108375 California State Lands Commission Amendment of Lease - PRC 8891.9
2011108392 California State Lands Commission Consider the Adoption of Resolutions to Acknowledging the 100th Anniversary of the Statutory Trust Grants of State Sovereign Lands
2011108355 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 6740.1
2011108335 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2011-0269-R1, Seep Well Construction and Diversion Project
2011108372 California State Lands Commission Amendment of General Lease - Industrial Use - PRC 5026.1
2011108366 California State Lands Commission Revision of Rent - PRC 5449.1
2011102057 Calaveras County 2005-044 Tentative Parcel Map for James & Gloria Souza
2011108343 City of Modesto CUP-11-004 - A Conditional Use Permit for the Airport Neighborhood Community Center
2011108389 California State Lands Commission Consider Approval of Qualifying Miles for Subventions to Cities and Counties for Fiscal Year 2011-2012, Orange, Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara Counties
2011108346 California Department of Parks and Recreation Las Cruces Residence Wastewater Treatment
2011108369 California State Lands Commission Consider Ratification of Assignments, Termination of Holdover Tenancy, and Issuance of a New General Lease - Industriqal Use - PRC 1589.1
2011102060 Sonoma County Paseo Vista Townhouses/Apartments PLP09-0053
2011108363 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Public Agency Use - PRC 2937.9
2011108349 California State Lands Commission Continuation of Rent - PRC 7800.1
2011108386 California State Lands Commission Consider the Default and Termination of a General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 5550.1
2010102049 City of Mammoth Lakes Whitmore Park Track and Sports Field Project
2011108367 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Public Agency Use == W26432
2011108390 California State Lands Commission Consider Approval of a Non-Exclusive Geological Survey Permit on State-Owned Sovereign Lands, Located Mostly in the NW and SE Portions of Owens Lake - W6005.132
2011108347 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Orick Property Fire Cleanup
2011102061 Stanislaus County West Park Logistics Center
2011108370 California State Lands Commission Recreational Pier Lease - PRC 6009.9
2011108350 California State Lands Commission Recreational Pier Lease - W 26437
2009051117 City of Reedley Manning Avenue Bridge Replacement
2011108387 California State Lands Commission Consider the Boundary Adjustment of LA County and Orange County Territories Near the Los Coyotes Flood Control Channel Involving Certain Parcels of Sovereign La
2007062030 Humboldt County Salt River Ecosystem Restoration Project
2011108381 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Grazing Use - PRC 8089.2
2011108358 California State Lands Commission Termination and Approval of an Agreement and Consent to Encumbrancing of Lease and Continuation of Rent - PRC 8415.1
2011108344 University of California North Campus Faculty Housing Project Phase 2: Amend the 2011-2012 Budget for Capital Improvements and the Capital Improvement Program
2011102058 Shasta County Use Permit 11-003 (Happy Valley Fire Protection District)
2011108361 California State Lands Commission Amendment of Lease - PRC 8923.9
2011108338 California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) Retrofit with Photovoltaic Panels
2011112005 California Air Resources Board (ARB) Amendments to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard Regulation
2011108384 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Right-of-Way Use - W 26362
2011108378 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Public Agency Use - PRC 6853.9
2011108364 California State Lands Commission Recreational Pier Lease - W26439
2011108341 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Former Watsonville - 1 Manufactured Gas Plant Site Removal Action Workplan
2011108388 California State Lands Commission Consider Approval of Balloon Tract Title Settlement and Trust Termination Agreement Resolving Title to Real Property in the City of Eureka, Humboldt County - W2
2011108382 California State Lands Commission Rescission of Commission Authorization for an Amendment of General Lease - Right-of-Way Use - PRC 8378.2
2011091047 San Diego County Lawrence and Barbara Daley Preserve Habitat Restoration Project
2011102059 City of San Carlos San Carlos Hillside Trails Plan
2011109006 California State Lands Commission Coastal Development Permit #6-06-154
2011108345 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Yolo 113 Upgrade Curbs Ramps to ADA Standards
2011108362 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 4495.1
2011108339 California Department of Parks and Recreation Laz Parking - North Sector - Remove & Replace Pay Parking Machines (11/12-SD-06)
2011108385 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Right-of-Way Use - PRC 6346.2
2011108365 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational and Protective Structure Use - PRC 7954.1
2011108342 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2011-0277-R1, Down Tree and Stream Bank Protection Project, Russian River, Mendocino County
2011108336 City of Dinuba Application No. 2011-10, Request for Historice Designation, APN: 017-141-005,006
2011108359 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 5300.1
2011101074 Marina Coast Water District Ord Community Sphere of Influence Amendment and Service Area Annexation
2011108376 California State Lands Commission Consider Approval of a Proposed Expenditure of $31,350,000 of Tideland Oil Revenue Funds by the City of Long Beach for Capital Improvement Projects Within
2011108353 California State Lands Commission Assignment of Lease and Revision of Rent - PRC 8046.1
2011062013 Sonoma County Berg Holdings c/o J.T. Wick
2011052083 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Plumas Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative (PSREC) Middle-Mile Fiber Project
2011108379 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Industrial Use - PRC 791
2011108356 California State Lands Commission General Lease - Recreational Use - PRC 8384.1