SCH Number 2011052007
Project Info
- Title
- North Cabrillo Highway Subdivision Project
- Description
- An IS/MND was previously circulated for public review for the original project (SCH# 2011052007). Based on comments received on the Draft IS/MND, a new, avoidable significant effect has been identified and mitigation measures have been added in order to reduce the effect to a less-than-significant level. This revision triggers a recirculation of the IS/MND pursuant to Section 15073.5 of the CEQA. Additionally, minor changes to the Tentative Parcel Map were made for the proposed project related to bridge design and the proposed storm drain outfall. The proposed project consists of an application for a Coastal Development Permit (CDP), Planned Unit Development Plan, Use Permit, and Tentative Parcel Map to divide approximately 2.1 acres of ruderal fields and coastal scrub into four lots, and to construct a new on-site storm drain system to replace an existing open channel (Pullman Ditch), located on adjoining properties along the northern boundary of the Project Area. No development other than the installation of streets, drainage and other utilities is proposed at this time. The development of single family residences on the four new lots would be evaluated with the submittal of a CDP application in the future.
2 documents in project