Monday, November 3, 2008
- Received Date
- 2008-11-03
- Edit Search
44 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2008011066 | EIR | City of Beverly Hills | Beverly Hills Gateway Project | |
2008111004 | NOP | City of Calexico | Calexico Gran Plaza | |
2008108446 | NOE | Cal Poly Humboldt | Schatz Energy Research Center | |
2008108447 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 1 | Wilson Creek Safety Project | |
2008091055 | FON | California Department of Transportation, District 11 | SR-98 Widening | |
2008108448 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 3 | Chip Seal and Pavement Delineation | |
2002022027 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 6 | South Stockton 6-Lane | |
1998081078 | NOP | California Department of Transportation, Headquarters | Route 118 at Donlon Road, Intersection Improvements | |
2005021139 | JD | City of Coalinga | Coalinga Wastewater Treatment Plant Trunk Line Alignment DRAFT Supplemental Enviornmental Impact Report | |
2008108460 | NOE | Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority | Adoption of the Ordinance 2008-02, entitled, "NUISANCE ABATEMENT ORDINANCE OF THE DEL NORTE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY" | |
2008108462 | NOE | Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority | Adoption of the Ordinance 2008-01, entitled, "SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING RESPONSIBILITY ORDINANCE OF THE DEL NORTE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY" | |
2008108461 | NOE | Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority | Adoption of the Ordinance 2008-03, entitled, "Administrative Citation Ordinance of the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority" | |
2008111001 | NEG | California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources | TOG 9-1 | |
2008112003 | MND | City of Ferndale | Tipple Motors (Design Review Approval for the Reapplication of Siding Materials) | |
2008111006 | NEG | Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District | People's Recharge/Layoff Basin | |
2008071089 | NOD | Kern County | Final Mitigated Negatice Declaration/NEPA Supplement and Mitigation Monitoring Program for the Wasco Airport Master Plan | |
2008071090 | NOD | Kern County | Final Mitigated Negative Declaration/NEPA Supplement and Mitigation Monitoring Program for the Lost Hills Master Plan | |
2008111003 | MND | La Habra Heights County Water District | Reservoir No. 9 Replacement Project | |
2003032038 | SIR | City of Livermore | Livermore General Plan Supplemental EIR and General Plan Amendment | |
1999082041 | NOD | City of Modesto | P-DPR-08-001, Carranza Pharmacy Retail Building | |
2005022022 | FIN | Nevada County | Higgins Marketplace | |
2008031010 | NOD | City of Oceanside | P-19-06, D-26-06, C-49-06 Lil Jackson Senior Community | |
2008061081 | NOD | City of Oceanside | GPA-2-07, ZA-1-07, C-13-08, H-2-08 Mission View Manor | |
2008108458 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Replace Roof and Make Repairs to Stabilize the Broderick House | |
2007072119 | NOD | Phillipsville Community Services District | Water Infrastructure Upgrade Project | |
2008092045 | NOD | Placer County | Metteer Minor Land Division (PMLD T20070735) | |
2008108451 | NOE | Placer County | 27197 Norton Grade Road (PCEL 20080502) | |
2008108457 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Oakdale Irrigation District (Water System #5000433) - merger of Improvement District 52 with Rural Water System #1 | |
2008108450 | NOE | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | AboveNet Zetta, Inc. Lateral Extension project | |
2008108454 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Santa Rosa | Robert O'Brien atascadero Creek Wetlands Winterization Project Sebastopol, Sonoma County, Cleanup and Abatement Order No. R1-2008-0096 | |
2008108449 | NOE | The Resources Agency | Perazzo Meadows Acquisition | |
2008031017 | EIR | Riverside County Redevelopment Agency | Desert Communities Redevelopment Project Area, Amendment No. 2 - 100 Palms, Oasis, Mecca, and North Shore Sub-Areas | |
2008031016 | EIR | Riverside County Redevelopment Agency | Mid-County Redevelopment Project Area, Amendment No. 2 | |
2008072058 | NOD | Russian River County Water District | Russian River County Water District Water Rights Petitions Project | |
2008111005 | NEG | San Diego County | LaChappelle Oversized Barns and Arenas | |
2000032006 | FIN | City and County of San Francisco | South Access to the Golden Gate Bridge - Doyle Drive | |
2008112001 | NEG | City of San Ramon | Growth Management Element / Mixed Use Policy General Plan Amendment | |
2008111002 | JD | South Coast Air Quality Management District | Proposed Rule 2702-Greenhouse Gas Reduction Program, and Inclusion of SCAQMD Protocol: Improvement Efficiency of a Natural Gas-Fired Boiler or Process Heater | |
2008022074 | MND | Stanislaus County | Use Permit Application No. 2008-03 - Delaney Aggregates | |
2008112002 | MND | State Water Resources Control Board | Rodney Carley Applications 31360 to Appropriate Water | |
2008108456 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Sordello Bank Repair | |
2008108455 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Occidental Road Short Term Emergency Mitigation Plan | |
2008108452 | NOE | Fish & Game #4 | Agreement No. 2008-0175-R4; Extend Existing Boat Ramp, San Luis Obispo County |