Monday, November 3, 2008

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44 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2008108447 California Department of Transportation, District 1 Wilson Creek Safety Project
2008071089 Kern County Final Mitigated Negatice Declaration/NEPA Supplement and Mitigation Monitoring Program for the Wasco Airport Master Plan
2008112002 State Water Resources Control Board Rodney Carley Applications 31360 to Appropriate Water
2005022022 Nevada County Higgins Marketplace
2008108450 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) AboveNet Zetta, Inc. Lateral Extension project
2008111006 Kaweah Delta Water Conservation District People's Recharge/Layoff Basin
2008111003 La Habra Heights County Water District Reservoir No. 9 Replacement Project
2008092045 Placer County Metteer Minor Land Division (PMLD T20070735)
2007072119 Phillipsville Community Services District Water Infrastructure Upgrade Project
2000032006 City and County of San Francisco South Access to the Golden Gate Bridge - Doyle Drive
2008108461 Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority Adoption of the Ordinance 2008-03, entitled, "Administrative Citation Ordinance of the Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority"
1999082041 City of Modesto P-DPR-08-001, Carranza Pharmacy Retail Building
2008011066 City of Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Gateway Project
2008108458 California Department of Parks and Recreation Replace Roof and Make Repairs to Stabilize the Broderick House
2008111001 California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources TOG 9-1
2008108462 Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority Adoption of the Ordinance 2008-01, entitled, "SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING RESPONSIBILITY ORDINANCE OF THE DEL NORTE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY"
2002022027 California Department of Transportation, District 6 South Stockton 6-Lane
2008112003 City of Ferndale Tipple Motors (Design Review Approval for the Reapplication of Siding Materials)
2008111004 City of Calexico Calexico Gran Plaza
2008091055 California Department of Transportation, District 11 SR-98 Widening
2008108456 Fish & Game #3 Sordello Bank Repair
2008108454 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Santa Rosa Robert O'Brien atascadero Creek Wetlands Winterization Project Sebastopol, Sonoma County, Cleanup and Abatement Order No. R1-2008-0096
2008022074 Stanislaus County Use Permit Application No. 2008-03 - Delaney Aggregates
2008072058 Russian River County Water District Russian River County Water District Water Rights Petitions Project
2008108460 Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority Adoption of the Ordinance 2008-02, entitled, "NUISANCE ABATEMENT ORDINANCE OF THE DEL NORTE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY"
2005021139 City of Coalinga Coalinga Wastewater Treatment Plant Trunk Line Alignment DRAFT Supplemental Enviornmental Impact Report
2008108457 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Oakdale Irrigation District (Water System #5000433) - merger of Improvement District 52 with Rural Water System #1
2003032038 City of Livermore Livermore General Plan Supplemental EIR and General Plan Amendment
2008071090 Kern County Final Mitigated Negative Declaration/NEPA Supplement and Mitigation Monitoring Program for the Lost Hills Master Plan
2008108451 Placer County 27197 Norton Grade Road (PCEL 20080502)
2008031016 Riverside County Redevelopment Agency Mid-County Redevelopment Project Area, Amendment No. 2
2008031010 City of Oceanside P-19-06, D-26-06, C-49-06 Lil Jackson Senior Community
2008108448 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Chip Seal and Pavement Delineation
2008108452 Fish & Game #4 Agreement No. 2008-0175-R4; Extend Existing Boat Ramp, San Luis Obispo County
2008108449 The Resources Agency Perazzo Meadows Acquisition
2008031017 Riverside County Redevelopment Agency Desert Communities Redevelopment Project Area, Amendment No. 2 - 100 Palms, Oasis, Mecca, and North Shore Sub-Areas
2008108455 Fish & Game #3 Occidental Road Short Term Emergency Mitigation Plan
2008111002 South Coast Air Quality Management District Proposed Rule 2702-Greenhouse Gas Reduction Program, and Inclusion of SCAQMD Protocol: Improvement Efficiency of a Natural Gas-Fired Boiler or Process Heater
2008108446 California State University, Humboldt Schatz Energy Research Center
2008112001 City of San Ramon Growth Management Element / Mixed Use Policy General Plan Amendment
2008111005 San Diego County LaChappelle Oversized Barns and Arenas
2008061081 City of Oceanside GPA-2-07, ZA-1-07, C-13-08, H-2-08 Mission View Manor
1998081078 California Department of Transportation, Headquarters Route 118 at Donlon Road, Intersection Improvements