SCH Number 1998081078

Project Info

State Routes 118/34 Intersection Improvements Project
Note: DEIR on hold indefinitely, per lead. received - 03/25/13. Note: Extended Review. The two Build Alternatives under consideration both proposed widening, and additional left-turn lanes and merge lanes at the SR-118/SR-34 intersection. Other features of the proposed project include widening shoulders, pavement reconstruction, culvert extension, rock slope protection, biofiltration swales, utility relocations, and drainage easements.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Transportation, Headquarters Route 118 at Donlon Road, Intersection Improvements
California Department of Transportation, Headquarters Route 118 at Donlon Road, Intersection Improvements
California Department of Transportation, Headquarters State Routes 118/34 Intersection Improvements with Donlon Road
California Department of Transportation, Headquarters State Routes 118/34 Intersection Improvements with Donlon Road
California Department of Transportation, Headquarters State Routes 118/34 Intersection Improvements Project