Wednesday, September 22, 2004

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31 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2004098283 California Department of Parks and Recreation Angel Island Viewing Machine
2004091121 City of Morro Bay Cell Site #2 for Sprint Wireless
2004098280 Reclamation District No. 537 Routine Maintenance and Channel Cleaning Operations
2003111009 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Cross Connection Prevenetion Program
2004092100 Patterson Joint Unified School District Eastside Middle School
2004099064 San Diego County Steadman Site Plan, STP 03-059, Log No. 84-10-008K
2004098277 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Sabrina Dam, No. 104-32
1999082041 City of Modesto Modesto Urban Area General Plan Master EIR
2004091135 Great Basin Air Pollution Control District Bartlett Point and Ash Point Air Quality Monitoring Stations (Proposed Project)
2000031047 City of Malibu Zoning Text Amendment No. 00-003/Negative Declaration No. 00-005
2004091119 Orange County Sanitation District Carbon Canyon Dam Sewer Pipeline Project
2004098278 California Department of Parks and Recreation Foot Bridge Replacement
2004081043 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) Victorine Ranch Road Repair
2004092098 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Gaylord Container Company, Black Liquor Pond Remedial Action at the East Mill Site
2004091122 City of Pasadena Washington Park Master Plan
2004098281 City of Carlsbad PUD 88-04(F) - Hee Remodel
1989010086 United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) Irvine Desalter Project
2004051070 City of Fresno Fresno Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility Improvements
2000011068 San Luis Obispo County Paso Robles Vineyard Agricultural Cluster Subdivision Project; TR99-2335/S990133u
2004098276 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Sempervirens Dam
2001041008 City of Carlsbad Thompson/Tabata GPA
2002071007 City of Chula Vista Telegraph Canyon Road Widening Project
2004031002 City of Chula Vista Chula Vista Crossings Commercial Retail Project
2004092101 City of Richmond Point Richmond Shore Development (Terminal One Site) City File No. 1101112
2004072131 Lake County Middletown Bible Church Import of Fill; IS 03-13, MUP 03-07
2004092102 City of Colfax Colfax Auto Plaza
2004091120 City of Victorville Proposed Tentative Tract TT-04-068
2004098279 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Las Virgenes Unified School District, Proposed Yerba Buena Elementary School, Removal Action Work Plan
2004092099 Sonoma County Roblar Road Quarry Project
2004091123 Los Angeles County Sanitation District Palmdale Water Reclamation Plant 2025 Facilities Plan
2004098282 City of Carlsbad CUP 93-04(E)x1 - Seapointe Resort