SCH Number 2004091119

Project Info

Carbon Canyon Dam Sewer Pipeline Project
DFG is issuing an Agreement Regarding Proposed Stream or Lake Alteration Agreement (SAA #1600-2006-0463-R5) to the project applicant, Orange County Sanitation District. The Operator proposes to alter the streambed and banks through the installation of a 24" to 36" diameter gravity sewer pipelines to serve the increasing flows from the project vicinity. The pipeline installation will require trenching to depths of 5-30 feet for ~1,200 lineal feet of pipeline within Carbon Canyon Regional Park and ~2,250 lineal feet on the adjacent Area Energy Project.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Orange County Sanitation District Carbon Canyon Dam Sewer Pipeline Project
Orange County Sanitation District Carbon Canyon Dam Sewer Pipeline Project
Orange County Sanitation District Carbon Canyon Dam Sewer Pipeline Project
Orange County Sanitation District Carbon Canyon Dam Sewer Pipeline Project
Orange County Sanitation District Carbon Canyon Dam Sewer Pipeline Project