Tuesday, October 7, 2003

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36 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2003108135 California Department of Parks and Recreation Bear Creek Water Draft Site Improvements
2003102035 City of Fort Bragg Georgia Pacific Building Demolition
2003108138 Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board Grizzly Creek Forest
2003102038 San Mateo County Revision of General Plan Housing Element
2003071186 Inyo County Tentative Parcel Map No. 362 / Palmer
2003021016 Santa Barbara County Flood Control District Carpinteria Salt marsh Enhancement Plan Update
2003041056 North Orange County Community College District Cypress College Master Plan Projects
2003108133 Fish & Game #5 Single Family Home Construction Flood Control
2003101048 City of Vista PC3-108, San Clemente Avenue Tentative Parcel Map/Waldenmeyer
2003041051 City of Glendora Route 66 Corridor Specific Plan
2003108141 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Jamieson Vineyards Dam, No. 4418
2003101045 City of Santa Maria Rice Properties/Tri-W General Plan Amendment and Zone change
2003101046 Orange County Robinson Ridge Development Project
1991063066 City of Rio Vista Northwest Wastewater Treatment Facility
2003108142 California Department of Transportation, District 1 Pavement and Drainage Rehabilitation, Widen Shoulders
2003101049 Monterey County Caltrans Highway 1 Call Box System
2003108148 Fish & Game #5 Interim Measures for Remediation and Removal of Perchlorate at Happy Valley
2003081092 Otay Water District 850-4 Reservoir
2003108136 California Department of Parks and Recreation Accessibility Improvements - Bodega Dunes Campground / Day Use
2003102036 City of Redding General Plan Amendment Application GPA-6.03 and Rezoning Application RZ-10-03
1996052011 Humboldt County Proposed Changes to the Housing Element of the General Plan for Humboldt County;
2003021023 City of Redlands Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for Redlands Redevelopment Project
2003101043 City of Del Rey Oaks Draft Housing Element, City of Del Rey Oaks
2003108139 Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board Ahmanson Ranch
2001041105 Imperial Irrigation District Desert Southwest Transmission Line Project
2003101047 City of San Diego San Diego State University (SDSU) Laboratory
2003108140 Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board Ballona Wetlands
2003101044 City of Santa Maria Donovan Estates
2002032041 Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District System Extension Between Fremont and Warms Springs in Alameda County
2003108137 California Department of Parks and Recreation ADA Restroom (CXT) Installation
2003102037 San Joaquin County O'Harra Ranch
2003108134 California Department of Parks and Recreation Pool Safety Lighting
2003102034 City of Sacramento Jensen Precast (Z03 052, Q140)
2003082077 City of Sacramento Joe Mims Jr. Hagginwood Community Center Rehabilitation Project (CIP#: CE31)
2001081154 San Diego County TM 5230RPL / Log No. 00-41-066 / McManus Residential Tentative Map
2003051071 San Diego County Weinstock Tentative Pracel Map; TPM 20615RPL1, LOG NO. 01-09-018