SCH Number 2003101047

Project Info

San Diego State University (SDSU) Laboratory
SDSU / US Geological Survey (USGS) Environmental Monitoring Laboratory - Phase I: Site Development Permit (SDP) 40-0750 to construct a 40,000 square foot research building on a 2.2 acre site. Phase I of this project consists of only the office portion of the lab; no in-water construction or wet lab operations would be constructed at this time. Approximately 99 on-site parking spaces would be provided. The project location is at 2392 Kincaid Road (APN 450-790-08) in the CC-5.5 zone of the Naval Training Center (NTC) Precise Plan in the Peninsula Community Plan, Airport Environs Overlay, Airport Approach Overlay Zone, State Coastal Commission, Council District 2. Applicant: San Diego State University Foundation, c/o Lou Haberkern.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Diego San Diego State University (SDSU) / US Geological Survey (USGS) Laboratory
City of San Diego San Diego State University (SDSU) Laboratory