Thursday, September 25, 2003

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41 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2003098452 Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Leasing of Existing Office Space
2003091125 City of Bakersfield Vesting Tentative Tract Map 6193
2003064003 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Elk Valley Rancheria Stary Ranch Fee- To Trust Environmental Assessment
2003052041 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Dora Creek Curve Realignment
2000121036 City of Chino The Preserve Development Agreement No. 2003-01
2003061104 City of El Segundo Phase II of the Grand Way Project and 1955 East Grand Avenue
1997051056 City of Fullerton West Coyote Hills Specific Plan Amendment
2003032066 City of Lincoln Aitken Ranch Residential Development Project
2003081111 City of Madera Community Water Well #32 Site Acquisition and Construction
2003092088 Mendocino County Expansion of the Mendocino County Adult Detention Facility, Ukiah, California
2000101015 Merced County 2-Vel Dairy Cup 00004
2001031137 Orange County Tonner Hills Specific Plan
2003098443 California Department of Parks and Recreation Water Safety Signs
2003098451 California Department of Parks and Recreation Salmon Falls River Access Improvements
2003098457 California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) Leasing Office Space of DPR Programs
2003092085 Placer County Taco Tree (EIAQ-3760)
2003092086 Placer County The Plaza (EIAQ-3697)
2002122071 Placer County DeWitt Government Center Facility Plan (2003-2010)
2003072114 City of Sacramento Truxel 3 Project (P00-123)
2003091124 San Diego County Jojoba Ranch Grading Plan, L14002, Log No. 00-02-049
2003011155 City of San Diego Central Police Facility
2002121130 City of San Diego College/Rolando Library
2003061118 City of San Diego Rancho Penasquitos Skate Park
2003061131 City of San Diego Morena Vista
2003092087 Santa Clara County Orchard Meadow Drive Two Lot Subdivision
2003091132 City of Seaside Chili's Restaurant Project, City of Seaside
2003098454 Southwestern Community College District (SWC ) Southwestern College Student Services One Stop Center (Building 1400) Remodel Project
2003098455 Southwestern Community College District (SWC ) Southwestern College Learning Assistance Center (Building 420) Remodel Project
2003098449 California Tahoe Conservancy Tahoe Rim Trail Ward Creek Bridge Crossing Project
2003098446 California Tahoe Conservancy Pioneer Trail, Wildlife Habitat and Environmental Protection Acquisition Project
2003098448 California Tahoe Conservancy Acceptance of Two Donation Parcels
2003098445 California Tahoe Conservancy General Creek Understory Thinning and Fuels Reduction Project - Phase One
2003098450 California Tahoe Conservancy Upper Truckee River - Airport Stream Environment Zone Restoration Project
2003098447 California Tahoe Conservancy Acquisition of Up To Five Environmentally Sensitive Parcels or Parcels Necessary to Protect the Natural Environment
2003098444 California Tahoe Conservancy Sawmill Stream Environment Zone and River Access Acquisition
2003092089 Tehama County Tehama County/City of Red Bluff Landfill Land Acquisition & Facility Improvements
2003081113 Temecula Band of Luiseno Mission Indians Pechanga Resort and Casino Expansion and Economic Development Project
2003091126 City of Tulare General Plan Amendment No. 2003-03a
2003098442 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Shiloh Ranch Main Dam
2003098456 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Line 85 Replacement Pipeline Project, San Joaquin Field District
2003092084 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) South Bay Aqueduct Improvement and Enlargement Project