Thursday, December 6, 2001
- Received Date
- 2001-12-06
- Edit Search
58 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2001021086 | NOD | Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District (BCVWD) | Water Recharge Test Project | |
2001124001 | EA | United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs | Agua Caliente Highway III Signboards | |
2001128126 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Chase Hall #115-Paint Exterior -JOC 00-003.009 | |
2001128142 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | California Central Coast Research Partnership | |
2001128119 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Campus Roads Striping-SR 01-003 | |
2001128128 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | UU #65 Rooms 220, 221 Remodel-JOC 00-003.006 | |
2001128131 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Serrano #125 Trailer Repair-JOC 00-003.016 | |
2001128122 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Via Carta Pedestrian Pavers-JOC 00-003.012 | |
2001128137 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Ag. Erhart #10 - Room 141 Wall Removal - JOC 00-003.019 | |
2001128114 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Building #25 (FOE) Exterior Paint - SR 01-001 | |
2001128120 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Muir #107, Trinity #105, Santa Lucia #106-Tectum Ceilings JOC 00-003.005 | |
2001128140 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Cheda Ranch House #121 - Paint Interior - JOC 00-003.024 | |
2001128134 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | UU Building #065 - Paint Exterior - JOC 00-003.022 | |
2001128117 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Yosemite #114 Steamline Replacement -JOC 00-003.002 | |
2001128141 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Theatre #44 Dimming System Replacement JOC 00-003.026 | |
2001128138 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Theatre #044 - Upgrade Electrical - JOC 00-003.030 | |
2001128129 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Robert E. Kennedy Library #035 First Floor Restroom Remodel - JOC 00-003.013 | |
2001128115 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Campus Road and Parking Lot Repair-SR 01-002 | |
2001128135 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Highland Drive - Paint Railroad Bridge - JOC 00-003.021 | |
2001128139 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Vista Grande #112 - Ceiling Painting - JOC 00-003.029 | |
2001128130 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Yosemite Hall #114 Laundry Remodel-JOC 00-003.018 | |
2001128127 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | South Perimeter Road Gas Line Replacement JOC 00-003.007 | |
2001128121 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Ag. Engineering #008-Remodel Lab #3-JOC 00-003.004 | |
2001128118 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Engineering East (#20) Chilled Water-JOC 00-003.001.00 | |
2001128132 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Mustang Stadium #61 Painting - JOC 00-003.015 | |
2001128136 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Health Center #27 - Renovate Rooms 113, 114 & 115 JOC 00-003.020 | |
2001128133 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Robert E. Kennedy Library #035 - Remove and Replace Fifth Floor Urinals - JOC 00-003.014 | |
2001128116 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Sierra Madre #113-Tower 5-Shower Partitions | |
2001128124 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Food Processing Lab #24-Remodel Electric JOC 00-003.011 | |
2001062050 | NOD | California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) | Seismic Retrofit of Building 22, San Quentin State Prison | |
1993013066 | NOD | City of East Palo Alto | IKEA Retail Store Project-Architectural Approval and Tree Removal Permit | |
2001121017 | NOP | City of Hemet | McSweeny Farms Specific Plan | |
2001121020 | NEG | Kings County | New Community School | |
2001121018 | NEG | Long Beach Unified School District | Acquisition of School Site - New Elementary School | |
1988083103 | NEG | Los Angeles Unified School District | Jefferson #2 New Elementary School | |
2001061012 | EIR | Los Angeles Unified School District | East Valley High School No. 3 and Continuation High School | |
2001122024 | NEG | City of Morgan Hill | Boy's Ranch Water Tank | |
2001128145 | NOE | California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) | Leasing of Office Space | |
1999072031 | NOD | North Tahoe Public Utility District | Tahoe Vista Recreation Area: Boat Ramp Reconstruction & Modification | |
2001128148 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Replace Defective 4" Water Valves (01/02-SD-20) | |
2001128146 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Extend Concrete Apron at Kiosk (01/02-SD-21) | |
2001128149 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Repair Irrigation Leak (01/02-SD-19) | |
2001128150 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | SSSB Camphost Electrical Upgrade (01/02-SD-18) | |
2001128147 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Replace Damaged Irrigation System | |
2001102017 | NOD | Placer County | Clos Du Lac Use Permit Modification and Boundary Line Adjustment (EIAQ-3588/CUP-1099) | |
2001129003 | NOD | City of Poway | Environmental Assessment and Tentative Tract Map 98-06 (SAA R5-2001-0333) | |
2001128110 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Redding | Lassen Volcanic National Park Road Improvement Project | |
2001122026 | NEG | City of Rocklin | Rocklin Multimodal Train Station | |
2001091026 | FIN | Rowland Water District | Reservoir Number 6 Pipeline Project | |
2001122023 | NEG | Sacramento County | Mather Open Space Preserve and Forest Plan | |
2001129004 | NOD | San Diego County | Meadowlark Community Church Major Use Permit Modification P87-008W , Log No. 87-08-017 | |
2001122021 | NEG | San Joaquin County | SA-01-86 | |
2001122025 | NOP | City of San Jose | Cinnabar Commons Housing Development Project (File No. PDCSH01-03-038) | |
1987090910 | NOD | City of San Marcos | Paloma/las Posas Road Extension (New Millenium ER 87-07, 1998 Adendum) | |
2001122022 | NEG | City of San Mateo | New Main Library | |
2001111038 | NOD | Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) | Arlington Desalter Enhancement Project | |
2001081085 | NOD | Santa Barbara County | Venoco State Lease 421 Well Stabilization Project | |
2001121019 | NEG | Ventura County | Conditional Use Permit No. 5210, Castle Oil |