SCH Number 2001121017

Project Info

McSweeny Farms
The six hundred seventy-three acre (673 ac) development proposed for McSweeny Farms accommodates up to two thousand four hundred and eighty-two (2,482) units within four hundred forty-two acres (442ac) designated for residential units at densities ranging from one to sixteen (1 to 16) units per acre. Residential areas include appartments and/or townhomes, single-family detached homes on lots ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 square feet, as well as 1-acre equestrian properties. In addition to the residential development the project includes commercial retail uses, multi-use area, and two school sites.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Hemet Easement to City of Hemet Flood Control for the Cactus Valley Flood Channel
City of Hemet McSweeny Farms
City of Hemet McSweeny Farms Specific Plan