Friday, November 16, 2001
- Received Date
- 2001-11-16
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63 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2001111118 | NEG | City of Alhambra | 2001 Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for the Industrial Redevelopment Project | |
2001072028 | NOD | City of Arcata | Scott Tree Removal Permit | |
2001051161 | EIR | Briggs School District | Olivelands School Abandonment/Replacement Project | |
2001031015 | NOD | City of Buena Park | Environmental Impact Report No. EIR 01-1/Conditional Use Permit No. CU-1275/Parcel Map No. PM 2000-240 | |
2001118203 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 1 | Berry Summit Sand Storage Facility | |
2001032002 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 3 | U.S. Highway 50/Harbor Boulevard Interchange Improvements and Ramp Modification Project | |
2001041036 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 7 | Add High Occupancy Vehicle/Auxiliary Lanes to Southbound I-405 (I-10 to Waterford) | |
2001111113 | NOP | City of Carson | City of Carson Redevelopment Plan Amendments 2002 | |
2001112067 | NEG | City of Chico | Husa Ranch Subdivision | |
2001112066 | NEG | Contra Costa County | Drainage Area 48B - Line A Improvement Project | |
2001111122 | NEG | Corona-Norco Unified School District (CNUSD) | Construction of Temescal Canyon Elementary School on 11.7 Acre Vacant Lot | |
2001111123 | NEG | California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) | California Men's Colony (CMC) Wastewater Treatment Plant Outfall Replacement Project | |
2001112069 | NEG | Fairfield Suisun Sewer District | IS/MND Beck Avenue, Oliver Road, Waterman Boulevard Relief Sewer Project | |
2001118200 | NOE | City of Folsom | 9800 Blue Lake Drive Tentative Parcel Map | |
2001119022 | NOD | City of Fresno | UCSF Fresno Medical Education and Research Center | |
2001118205 | NOE | Department of General Services (DGS) | Salinas VHF/MW Shop | |
1995043064 | NOP | City of Gridley | Boeger Annexation Project Supplement to the FEIR, Assessor Parcel Number: 022-210-031 | |
2001112068 | NEG | Humboldt County | US Cellular Conditional Use Permit and Special Permit (CUP-01-09/SP-01-18) For a 150 Foot Tall Lighted Cellular Communication Tower | |
2001118202 | NOE | Humboldt County | Fitness and Rehabilitation Center Renovation | |
2001118201 | NOE | Inyo County | Inyo County Sheriff Communications System - Submittal for Professional Services Agreement | |
2001111121 | NEG | City of Madera | Madera Meadows Plan Amendments and Rezoning | |
2001118199 | NOE | Manhattan Beach Unified School District | Mira Costa High School Modernization Project | |
2001111120 | NEG | City of Pacific Grove | Lazarony Residence | |
2001118194 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Replace Roofs - Sonoma Mission Complex | |
2001118193 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Repair Timber Footings and Rock Foundations | |
2001118191 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Repair North Barn and Adapt for ADA Access | |
2001112064 | NEG | City of Sacramento | Ninos Parkway Bike Trail (CIP#LC21) | |
2001111115 | NEG | San Benito County | Orchard Road and Fairview Road Intersection Widening and Realignment | |
1999101052 | NOD | San Diego County | Rancho pacifica (TM 5148 RPL) | |
1994071020 | EIR | San Diego Unified School District | Scripps Ranch Middle School | |
2001092086 | NOD | San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) | Community Schools Project, Site 2 - Bianchi Site | |
2001092083 | NOD | San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) | Community Schools Project, Site 3 - Pock Site | |
2001092088 | NOD | San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) | Community Schools Project, Site 8 - 11th Street Site | |
2001092089 | NOD | San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) | Community Schools Project, Site 5 - Hammer Lane Site | |
2001092085 | NOD | San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) | Community Schools Project, Site 1 - Columbia Site | |
2001092090 | NOD | San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) | Community Schools Project, Site 7-North Main Street Site | |
2001092084 | NOD | San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) | Community Schools Project, Site 9 - Louise Avenue Site | |
2001092087 | NOD | San Joaquin County Office of Education (SJCOE) | Community Schools Project, Site 6 - Kettleman Lane Site | |
2001111110 | NEG | San Luis Obispo County | Burden D000379P | |
2001111109 | NEG | San Luis Obispo County | Vina Robles Winery Development Plan; ED00-583 (D000357D) | |
2001111112 | NEG | San Luis Obispo County | Morro Coast Audubon Society Minor Use Permit D000441P | |
2001111117 | NEG | City of San Marcos | Casa de Amparo Conditional Use Permit | |
2001112065 | NEG | North San Mateo County Sanitation District | North San Mateo County Sanitation District Recycled Water Facilities | |
2001111114 | NEG | Santa Ana Unified School District | Mountain View Continuation High School | |
2001119023 | NOD | Santa Barbara County | Refugio Road Culvert Cleaning | |
2001111119 | NEG | City of Santa Barbara | St. Vincent's Mercy Housing Project | |
2001082080 | NOD | Stockton Unified School District | Blossom Ranch Elementary School | |
2000062155 | NOD | Stockton Unified School District | Northeast Stockton High School General Plan and Rezone Project | |
2001092099 | NOD | Tehama County | Tehama County/City of Red Bluff Landfill Land Acquisition and Facility Improvements | |
2001092073 | NOD | The Westside Irrigation District | Petition for Change in Purpose of Use of Water License 1381 | |
2001024001 | FON | United States Department of the Interior | Jamul Indian Village | |
2001084007 | FON | United States Department of the Interior | Ewiiaapaayp Health Clinic Fee-To-Trust | |
2001094006 | FON | United States Department of the Interior | Jackson Rancheria 1000 Acre Fee-to-Trust | |
2001092063 | NOD | University of California, Davis | Segundo Infill Housing | |
2001092063 | NOD | University of California, Davis | Segundo Dining Commons Replacement | |
2001072010 | NOD | University of California, Davis | Aquatic Center | |
1996104294 | NOD | Regents of the University of California | Wooden West Addition | |
2001051138 | NOD | University of California, Santa Barbara | Recreation and Aquatics Center Expansion and Intercollegiate Athletics Building | |
2000121005 | EIR | City of Visalia | South Packwood Creek Specific Plan | |
2001111164 | NEG | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Source Shifting Agreement with Metropolitan Water District of Southern California for the Environmental Water Account | |
2001111111 | NEG | Yucaipa Valley Water District | Yucaipa Valley Water District Non-Potable Water Distribution System | |
2001118190 | NOE | Fish & Game #5 | Demayo Creek Restoration Project | |
2001118189 | NOE | Fish & Game #5 | Langley Residence Check Dam Repair |