Monday, July 30, 2001
- Received Date
- 2001-07-30
- Edit Search
50 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2001061082 | NOD | City of Agoura Hills | Semler Office Complex in the City of Agoura Hills | |
1999112009 | JD | Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) | BART - Oakland International Airport Connector Project | |
2000041119 | NEG | Cachuma Operation and Maintenance Board (COMB) | Fish Passage Enhancement Below California State Highway 1 Bridge at Salsipuedes Creek | |
2001061072 | NOD | City of Calabasas | BMW Supplemental Environmental Analysis | |
2001071140 | NEG | California City | Borax Bill Park Camping and Picnic Area | |
2001078566 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Continuous Left Turn Lane | |
2001078567 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Widen and Rehabilitate the Pavement | |
2001051104 | NOD | City of Chino Hills | General Plan Amendment 01GPA05 | |
2001078569 | NOE | California Department of Conservation (DOC) | Well No. 942 (030-18988) | |
2001078568 | NOE | California Department of Conservation (DOC) | Well No. 941 (030-18987) | |
2001078570 | NOE | California Department of Conservation (DOC) | "Western Development" 939 (030-18989) | |
2001088008 | NOE | Cordova Recreation and Park District | Rosswood Park Play Equipment | |
2000091008 | FIN | City of Delano | Delano Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion and Collection System Upgrades | |
2001052114 | SIR | City of Dublin | East Dublin Properties (PA 00-025) | |
2000121120 | NOD | El Centro Redevelopment Agency | Amendment No. 2 to the El Centro Redevelopment Project | |
2000129018 | NOD | California Energy Commission | Agreement No. 4-141-99; Elk Hills Power Project (99-AFC-2) | |
2000111035 | NEG | City of Farmersville | City of Farmersville North Side Sewer Project Phases II, III, and IV-Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration | |
2001071143 | NOP | City of Greenfield | Thorp Annexation and Sphere of Influence Amendment | |
2001071142 | NOP | City of Greenfield | Creekbridge/Rava Annexation | |
2001078564 | NOE | Kern County | Construction On Allen Road At Meacham Road (Contract No. 01030) | |
2000061013 | NOD | City of Lancaster | Amargosa Creek from Avenue G-8 to Avenue I | |
2001061030 | NOD | City of Madera | City of Madera East Cleveland Avenue Widening and Improvement Project | |
2001072121 | NOP | Marin County | Sorokko Precise Development Plan | |
2001052048 | NOD | City of Marysville | Yuba-Sutter Disposal, Inc. Use Permit Modifications | |
2001061078 | NOD | Merced County Association of Governments | Merced County-2001 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Update | |
2001012064 | EIR | Mono County | Crowley Lake Estates Specific Plan and Draft EIR | |
2001011074 | NOD | City of Monterey Park | Monterey Park General Plan | |
2001072114 | NEG | Oakland Unified School District | Dewey Alternative High School Relocation | |
2001078563 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Service Septic Tank (01/02-SD-05) | |
2001072115 | NEG | Placer County | Bell Road Bridge Replacement at Dry Creek (EIAQ-3629) | |
2001078562 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland | Fiske Residence Boat Dock Replacement | |
2001078565 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland | Tosco-Richmond Products Pipeline (TRPP) Maintenance Inspection Project | |
2001082005 | NEG | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Redding | Dannon Natural Spring Water Bottling Facility | |
2001071137 | NOP | Riverside County | Plot Plan No. 16535, Redhawk Towne Center | |
2001072118 | NEG | Sacramento County | Wackman Ranch Winery Use Permit | |
2001051069 | NOD | City of San Diego | Rogers Residence | |
2000102108 | NOP | City of San Jose | Housing Opportunity Study Phase II Amendments to the San Jose 2020 General Plan | |
2001071141 | NEG | San Luis Obispo County | Old Oak Park Road Bank Stabilization Project; ED00-531 (C000053E/P12B501) | |
2001071136 | NEG | Santa Barbara County | Harmony Homes Residential Development | |
2001072119 | NEG | Santa Clara County | Change 2 Lot Subdivision and Grading Permit | |
2001051144 | NOD | Santa Margarita Water District | Chiquita Water Reclamation Plant Phase III Expansion | |
1988020824 | FIN | Semitropic Water Storage District | Delta Wetlands | |
2001012095 | NOD | Solano County | West Texas Site Demolition Project | |
2001072122 | NEG | City of South Lake Tahoe | Gardner Mountain Plan Area Statement Proposed Amendment | |
2001072117 | CON | Stanislaus County | Use Permit Application No. 2001-19 - Ceres Christian Church | |
2001062088 | NOD | Stockton East Water District | Stockton East Water District Raw Water Storage Project | |
2001072116 | NEG | Trinity County | Trinity County Regional Transportation Plan | |
2001071139 | NEG | Upland Unified School District | Upland High School Expansion Project | |
2001071138 | NEG | Victor Valley Water District | Pilot Recharge Project in Oro Grande Wash | |
2001072120 | NEG | Town of Windsor | Windsor Bike Trail Project - Three Trail Segments |