SCH Number 2001011074

Project Info

Monterey Park Focused General Plan Update
The City of Monterey Park proposes a focused update to the General Plan consisting solely of revisions to the Land Use Element, last comprehensively updated in 2001. The purpose of updating the Land Use Element is to ensure land use policies allow the City to attract investment and development consistent with its vision, and to facilitate economic growth and creation of new housing opportunities. Ensuring the Monterey Park 2040 General Plan Update reflects the diverse priorities and needs of the community, the General Plan program uses a variety of community engagement strategies to gather input. The Land Use Element identifies the planned land use designations for the entire City, city-wide land use and urban design goals and policies, and Focus Area land use and urban design goals and policies.
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9 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Monterey Park Zoning Change No 24-03 (ZC-24-03)
City of Monterey Park Zoning Code Amendment No 24-01 (ZCA-24-01)
City of Monterey Park Monterey Park Focused General Plan Update
City of Monterey Park Monterey Park Focused General Plan Update
City of Monterey Park Monterey Park Focused General Plan Update and Title 21 Amendment
City of Monterey Park Sustainable Community and Healthy Community General Plan Elements
City of Monterey Park Monterey Park General Plan
City of Monterey Park Monterey Park General Plan
City of Monterey Park Monterey Park General Plan