SCH Number 2006032058

Project Info

Railyards Specific Plan Update, KP Medical Center, MLS Stadium, & Stormwater Outfall Subsequent EIR
Approval of Permit No. 19134, under CA code of regulations, Title 23, Section 6, for work within an adopted plan of flood control, within a regulated stream (Table 8.1; Title 23, Div. 1, Article 8): To install a stormwater discharged system including: a concrete outfall structure with flap gate; riprap on the lower waterside slope; four(4) 42-inch diameter and one(1) 12-inch diameter cement mortar-lined and coated steel pipes; steps on the waterside levee slope; valve box on the levee crown; retaining walls on the landside levee slope and berm; and a pump station with a wet well approx. 50-feet landward of the landside levee under the existing elevated I-5 freeway.
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23 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Sacramento Sacramento Railyards Lagoon Groundwater Study Area Remedial Action Plan
City of Sacramento Kaiser Permanente Sacramento Railyards Medical Center (P24-006) Prior Project Railyards Specific Plan Update Project (P15-040
City of Sacramento Sacramento Valley Station – Storm Drain (a component of the Railyards Specific Plan)
City of Sacramento Sacramento Railyards Manufactured Gas Plant Study Area Remedial Action Plan
City of Sacramento Railyards Specific Plan, including the Sacramento Valley Station – Railyards North Entrance Project
City of Sacramento Railyards Specific Plan, including the Sacramento Downtown Regional Bus Route Consolidation – 5th Street Extension Project
City of Sacramento Sacramento Valley Station Area Plan and Amendment of the Railyards Specific Plan
City of Sacramento Railyards Specific Plan (P0S-097)
City of Sacramento Railyards Lot 48 Mixed-Use (Pl 7-069) Prior Project Railyards Specific Plan Update Project (PlS-040)
City of Sacramento Railyards Specific Plan Update, Medical Center, Stadium, and Stormwater Outfall Subsequent EIR
City of Sacramento Railyards Specific Plan Update, KP Medical Center, MLS Stadium, & Stormwater Outfall Project
City of Sacramento Sacramento Railyards Specific Plan Update: Stormwater Outfall (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0245-R2)
City of Sacramento Railyards Specific Plan Update, KP Medical Center, MLS Stadium,& Stormwater Outfall Project (P15-040)
City of Sacramento Railyards Specific Plan Update, KP Medical Center, MLS Stadium, & Stormwater Outfall Subsequent EIR
City of Sacramento Railyards Specific Plan Update, KP Medical Center, MLS Stadium, & Stormwater Outfall Subsequent EIR
City of Sacramento Railyards Specific Plan Update, Kaiser Medical Center and MLS Stadium
City of Sacramento Remedial Action Plan, Central Shops Study Area - Soil, South Plume Study Area
City of Sacramento Downtown Railyards Specific Plan
City of Sacramento Downtown Railyards Specific Plan
City of Sacramento Downtown Railyards Specific Plan
City of Sacramento Downtown Railyards Specific Plan
City of Sacramento Railyards Specific Plan
City of Sacramento Downtown Railyards Specific Plan