Thursday, March 10, 2022
- Received Date
- 2022-03-10
- Edit Search
43 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2022030323 | NOE | El Dorado County | Guardrail Upgrades Project | |
2022030322 | NOE | Kern County | S Chester Avenue Pedestrian Safety Improvements | |
2022030321 | MND | Fresno County | CUP 3720 and Initial Study No. 8133 | |
2022030320 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 12 (DOT) | POTHOLE TESTING | |
2022030319 | NOE | Kern County | Varsity Road Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Project | |
2022010326 | NOD | City of Beaumont | West Side Fire Station Project | |
2022030318 | NOE | City of Elk Grove | Apple Campus Repaint (PLNG22-001) | |
2018021076 | NOD | City of Tulare | Pratt Water System Improvement Project | |
2022030317 | NOE | California Energy Commission | New Leaf Biofuel 100% Renewable Fuel Terminal | |
2022030316 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Hooper No. 1 Dam, No. 1306 | |
2022030315 | NOE | California Air Resources Board (ARB) | San Bernardino Air Monitoring Station - Standard Lease | |
2022030314 | NOE | California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) | SUNDERSTORM BAY LLC | |
2022030313 | NOD | City of Tulelake | Tulelake Cultural Visitor Center | |
2022030312 | MND | Riverside County | Gilman Springs Shoulder and Median Widening Project | |
2022020093 | NOD | City of Davis | Davis Express Car Wash | |
2022030311 | MND | California State University, Northridge (CSUN) | Global Hispanic Serving Institution Equity Innovation Hub | |
2022020405 | NOD | City of Davis | 1140 Los Robles Street 3-Lot Subdivision Map | |
2022030310 | MND | Nevada County | Ballou TPM | |
2021010255 | EIR | City of Napa | City of Napa General Plan Update | |
2015052076 | FYI | City of Newman | Reaffirmation of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Compliance for Wastewater Treatment Plant Pond Reconfiguration and Land Application Expansion Area. | |
2022030309 | MND | Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning | 24600 Thousand Peaks Road Residential Project | |
2022030308 | NOP | East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) | Sobrante Water Treatment Plant Reliability Improvements Project | |
2020100005 | EIR | City of San Jose | Blossom Hill Station Mixed-Use Project | |
2022010548 | NOD | Central California Irrigation District (CCID) | Orestimba Creek Recharge and Recovery Expansion Project | |
2005062144 | NOD | City of Sacramento | Amended Northlake School Project (Addendum to Greenbriar Development Project EIR) | |
2022030307 | MND | Nevada County | Downes Tentative Parcel Map (PLN21-0008, TPM21-0001) | |
2009011024 | NOD | Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) | Reservoir 4605-2 Construction Project | |
2022030306 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 4 (DOT) | 5 Bridge Preservation Project 3W5701/04 21000389 | |
2022030305 | NOE | Department of General Services (DGS) | DMV Commerce Lease Renewal | |
2022030304 | NOE | City of Palmdale | PN 814 - Landscaping Improvements to LMD 24 | |
2022030303 | NOE | City of Palmdale | PN 815 - Landscaping Improvements to LMD 214 | |
2022030302 | NOE | City of Palmdale | Minor Modification 21-039 | |
2022030301 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Leo Carrillo Bluffs Trail Restoration Project | |
2022030300 | NOE | City of Los Banos | Legacy Realty and Development LLC Tentative Parcel Map #2021-02 | |
2022030299 | NOD | City of Novato | Bahia River View Project | |
2022030298 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 4 (DOT) | BRIDGE REPAIR PROJECT - 2W630 / 0421000246 | |
2022030297 | NEG | City of Burbank | City of Burbank GGRP Update and CEQA GHG Emissions Threshold | |
2022030296 | MND | Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) | Judson Transmission Main | |
2022030295 | NOP | City of Los Angeles | Fourth & Central | |
2022030294 | NOP | Port of Los Angeles | Berth 191-194 (Ecocem) Low-Carbon Cement Processing Facility Project | |
2022030293 | NOE | California Conservation Corps (CCC) | Facility Acquisition and Development of Siskiyou Center, Yreka | |
2022030292 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | SIS - 89 Vegetation Management Project | |
2022030291 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Chino Hills SP Discovery Center Horse Corrals and Waterline |