Friday, May 7, 2021

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43 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2008122111 Napa County Major Amendment 1 for the Napa Pipe Redevelopment – Bedford Slough Bridge (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0115-R3)
2004111149 City of Santa Clarita Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital Master Plan Second Amendment
2016102064 City of Alameda Variance TWW-2021-LG-00428 to Allow the Generation, Accumulation, and Transport of Treated Wood Waste under Alternate Procedures by Pacific Shops, Inc.
2016102064 City of Alameda Variance TWW-2021-SG-00294 to Allow the Generation, Accumulation, and Transport of Treated Wood Waste under Alternate Procedures by Pacific Shops, Inc.
2010051060 City of Santa Ana Variance TWW-2021-LG-00301 to Allow the Generation, Accumulation, and Transport of Treated Wood Waste under Alternate Procedures by OC Transportation Authority
2008012105 City and County of San Francisco Variance TWW-2021-SG-00358 to Allow the Generation/Accumulation/Transport of TWW under Alternate Procedures by Treasure Island Community Development
1999041035 Orange County Waste & Recycling (OCWR) Variance TWW-2021-DF-00247 to Allow the Disposal of Treated Wood Waste under Alternate Procedures by Orange County Waste and Recycling
1990010988 City of Palmdale Variance TWW-2021-DF-00157 to Allow the Disposal of Treated Wood Waste under Alternate Procedures by Antelope Valley Recycling and Disposal Facility, Inc.
2020120066 Sonoma County Oat Valley Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement Project (No. 1600-2019-0207-R3)
2001092001 City of San Leandro 1188 E. 14th St. Project (Also known as Callan & E 14th Street Project), PLN18-0036
2021050168 State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights Water Transfer, Instream Flow Dedication, and Rediversion to Friant Contractors
2021050167 Monterey County San Lorenzo Park Project
2021050166 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Northern and Eureka Region 1 (CDFW) Marshall Creek Timber Harvest Emergency
2021050165 California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Fresno Region 5 (RWQCB) Log Meadow Restoration Project
2021050164 Port of Oakland Oakland International Airport Terminal Development Project
2021050163 City of Redding Hartnell Commercial Complex by Summit Development
2011062072 State Water Resources Control Board Narsai David Appropriative Water Right Applications 29686 & 29687 - Addendum for Harney Petitions to Change
2021050162 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Variance TWW-2021-TR-00431 to Allow the Transport of Treated Wood Waste under Alternate Procedures by City of Santa Clara
2021050161 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Variance TWW-2021-TR-00419 to Allow the Transport of Treated Wood Waste under Alternate Procedures by Carmel Building & Design, Inc.
2021050160 California Department of Parks and Recreation Removal of Hot Tub Deck
2021050159 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2021-0014-R1 for Nonindustrial Timber Harvesting Plan (NTMP) 1-11NTMP-014-HUM
2021050158 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Sonic 1905 Athena C
2021050157 California Department of Parks and Recreation Bloody Nose Trail Repair
2021050156 Mariposa County Land Division Application No. 2020-138
2021050155 Kern County Caliente Creek Flood Mitigation Project
2021030063 San Bernardino County Transportation Authority Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Arrow Maintenance Facility Hydrogen Fuel Upgrade Project
2021050154 Yuba County Water Agency Narrows 2 Intake Debris Removal Project
2021040779 Riverside Unified School District Eastside Neighborhood School
2019011027 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) LAKE PERRIS SEEPAGE RECOVERY PROJECT
2021050153 Mono County WITHDRAWN Per Lead
2021050152 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2021-0003-R1 for Timber Harvesting Plan (THP) 1-20-00214-MEN
2010024001 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Yuba River Basin, California Project – Marysville Ring Levee Exploratory Borings
2021050151 City of Elk Grove Bartholomew Vineyard (PLNG21-003)
2021050150 San Diego County Water Authority Southern First Aqueduct Structures Rehabilitation Project
2020100017 City of La Verne Amherst Residential Development
2020070177 California Department of Transportation, District 4 (DOT) State Route 1/84 Structures and Scour Mitigation Project
2021050149 City of Santa Rosa Hearn Veterans Village
2021050148 California Department of Transportation, District 5 (DOT) State Route 183 Castroville Improvement
2021050147 San Luis Obispo County Brynildson / Variance / ED21-068 / County File No. DRC2020-0039
2021050146 City of Mammoth Lakes Mammoth Disposal Transfer Station Expansion Project
2020080488 Fresno County EIR 7813 and CUP 3671 Luna Valley Solar Project
2019029001 Ross Valley Sanitary District Shady Lane Sewer Removal Project
2014052071 City of Lincoln Village 5 & Special Use District B Draft Partially Reciculuated EIR