Tuesday, February 5, 2019
- Received Date
- 2019-02-05
- Edit Search
60 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2019028090 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 6 (DOT) | Fresno Fog Warning System CMS Replacement (Director's Order) | |
2013081079 | NOD | Kern County | OG CREH 345-35R | |
2013081079 | NOD | Kern County | OG Maranatha 3 Wells 02042019 | |
2013081079 | NOD | Kern County | SC Chevron 1 Wells 1312019 | |
2013081079 | NOD | Kern County | SC Chevron 1 Well 1302019 | |
2013081079 | NOD | Kern County | Chevron Drill 1 New Well In Kern River Field (2) 02042019 | |
2013081079 | NOD | Kern County | Chevron Drill 1 New Well in Kern River Field (1) 02042019 | |
2013081079 | NOD | Kern County | Chevron Drill 2 New Well in Kern River Field (2) 02012019 | |
2013081079 | NOD | Kern County | Chevron Drill 1 New Well in Kern River Field (1) 02012019 | |
2013081079 | NOD | Kern County | Chevron Drill 1 New Well in Kern River Field 01182019 | |
2013081079 | NOD | Kern County | OG Sentinel Peak 1 Well 02012019 | |
2013081079 | NOD | Kern County | OG CREH 345-35R | |
2013081079 | NOD | Kern County | OG CREH 345-35R | |
2013081079 | NOD | Kern County | OG E&B 6 Wells 1232019 | |
2019028064 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00247 | |
2019028071 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00239 | |
2019028068 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00226 | |
2019028077 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00165 | |
2019028065 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00205 | |
2019028073 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00234 | |
2019028076 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00215 | |
2019028070 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00238 | |
2019028074 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00241 | |
2019028069 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00231 | |
2019028072 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00240 | |
2019028080 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00232 | |
2018051068 | NOD | Kern County | OG Sentinel Peak 3 Wells 02012019 | |
2019028066 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00237 | |
2019029019 | NOD | Lake County | GR 14-006 | |
2018071046 | NOD | City of Lemoore | Combined Effluent/Recycled Water Discharge to Stone Ranch | |
2017051079 | OTH | City of Los Angeles | Hollywood and Wilcox | |
2016112028 | NOD | Mendocino County | Fresquet Water Diversion and Stream Crossings Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0472-R1) | |
2016112028 | NOD | Mendocino County | Harris Mill Creek Meadows Stream Crossings Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2018-0744-R1) | |
2018101057 | NOD | Merced County | Quinley Avenue Bridge Replacement Project | |
2019028083 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | San Simeon Employee Modular Residence Project | |
2019028089 | NOE | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Crown Castle CC2018-256, Sprint Phase 1 Nodes Project | |
2019028091 | NOE | California Department of Conservation (DOC) | OG Temporary 0405322567 | |
2018092006 | EIR | California Fish and Game Commission (CDFGC) | Waterfowl, Coot, Moorhen, and Common Snipe Hunting | |
2018121034 | NOD | Fresno County | Initial Study Application No. 7469, Director Review and Approval Application No. 4551 | |
2019029017 | MND | City of Hesperia | General Plan Amendment GPA17-00003 & Tentative Tract TT17-00002 (TT-17339) | |
2019028079 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00229 | |
2019028082 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00228 | |
2019028075 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00219 | |
2019028081 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00221 | |
2019028078 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00230 | |
2019028067 | NOE | Kern County | PLN19-00132 | |
2019029015 | MND | California State University, Fresno | New Student Union Project | |
2018112009 | OTH | California Department of Transportation, District 1 | Culvert Rehabilitation | |
2018112009 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 1 | Culvert Rehabilitation | |
2018102013 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 1 | Broadway ADA Project | |
2018022019 | FIN | California Department of Transportation, District 10 | Mountain County Bridge Rails | |
2018022019 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 10 | Mountain County Bridge Rails | |
2019028086 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Culvert Repair (SHA-299-16.44) | |
2019028088 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Emergency Rock Slide Repair (02-0J090) | |
2019028085 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Culver Repair (TRI-299-70.51) | |
2019028087 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Helena Emergency Rock Slide Repair | |
2019028084 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | North Slope Disposal Site | |
1982092310 | FIN | California Department of Transportation, District 7 | Construction of 6.2 Miles of the Long Beach Fwy (SR 710) | |
1982092310 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 7 | SR-710 North Project | |
2019028092 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 9 | Mono 395 Horizontal Alignment Signs |