Wednesday, January 20, 2016
- Received Date
- 2016-01-20
- Edit Search
29 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2016014001 | FON | United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs | Ewiiaapaapyp Band of Kemeyaay Indians - Walker Parcel Health Clinic Site Fee-to-Trust Transfer | |
2015112016 | EIR | Cabrillo Unified School District (CUSD) | Half Moon Bay High School Track and Field Improvements Project | |
2016011048 | MND | California Department of Transportation, District 12 | State Route 1 Permanent Restoration Project | |
2016018188 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 4 | Install Canopy at the San Mateo Hayward Bridge Maintenance Yard 926856 / 0000020475 | |
2016011051 | MND | California Department of Transportation, District 6 | SR 99/233 Interchange Improvements | |
2015111005 | FIN | Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) | Alessandro Recycled Water Ponds Optimization Project | |
2016019007 | NOD | Fresno County | Granville Development Project (Project) within Millerton New Town (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2014-079-04 (ITP)) | |
2016018186 | NOE | Fresno County | Wildwood Island Pipe Replacement Project | |
2016018183 | NOE | Department of General Services (DGS) | Tenant Improvements - Board of Equalization Santa Rosa Stgate Building | |
2016011053 | NOP | City of Hollister | Roberts Ranch Subdivision | |
2016012041 | MND | Humboldt Bay Harbor | Fisherman's Channel Dredging and Beneficial Reuse Pilot Project | |
2016011045 | MND | Imperial County | Plaster city IWP Final Closure Post Closure Maintenance Plan | |
2015071070 | MND | Imperial County | Spectrum on Behalf of Vista Towers GPA#15-0002; ZC15-0001; CUP#15-0002 & V#15-0001 | |
2016018187 | NOE | Lake Morena's Oak Shores Mutual Water Company | Eastside Pipeline Looping and Pipeline Abandonment Improvements | |
2016011052 | MND | Las Virgenes Municipal Water District | Las Virgenes-Triunfo Joint Powers Authority Woodlands Hills Water Recycling Project | |
2016011046 | NEG | City of Los Angeles | ENV-2015-3200-ND / 2971 N. Partridge Avenue & 2993 N. Alessandro Street | |
2016011046 | NEG | City of Los Angeles | ENV-2015-3200-ND / 2971 N. Partridge Avenue & 2993 N. Alessandro Street | |
2016011047 | MND | City of Los Angeles | TT-73790-CN / ENV-2015-3692-MND | |
2016018167 | NOE | City of Los Banos | Chromium 6 Action Plan | |
2014042014 | NOD | City of Oakland | Leona Heights Sulfur Mine Remediation Project [California Endangered Species Act (CESA) Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2013-070-03 (ITP) Minor Amendment No. 1] | |
2016011050 | MND | Orange County Sanitation District | Santa Ana River Interceptor Rock Removal Project (Project No. 2-41-8) | |
2014062060 | FIN | Sacramento Area Council of Governments | 2016 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy | |
2008031019 | NOD | San Benito County | Santana Ranch Amendment Number One (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2013-032-04 (ITP)) | |
2015122048 | NOD | Solano Irrigation District | Sweeney/McCune Creek Outlfow Recovery and Automation Project | |
2015032074 | NOD | Sonoma County | Valley Ford Water Association Well and Water-Utility Infrastructure (PLP14-0079) | |
2016011049 | MND | Stanislaus County | Tegner Road Bridge (No. 38C0302) Replacement at TID Lateral #5 Canal BRLO-5938 (196) | |
2016018164 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Temporary Emergency Permit for Treatment of Hazardous Waste, Hexcel Corporation, California | |
2016018184 | NOE | Twain Harte Community Services District | Sewer/Stabilization at Twain Harte Lake | |
2016018185 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Arcata Dam, No. 27 |