Friday, July 26, 2013

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51 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2013062038 Placer County Self Parcel Map #2 (PMLD 20110155)
2013078311 California Department of Transportation, District 10 TUO-108 Overlay - 0X430
2013079018 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0142-R2 "Blueberry" THP
2013071089 California Department of Transportation, District 9 State Route 168 Sidewalks
2010072012 City of Dublin City of Dublin Climate Action Plan (CAP) Update
2013078314 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Approval of Explanation of Significant Differences for Mansion Grove Site
2013078308 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 2 (CDFW) Reinforcement of Ponderosa Flat Campground Stream Crossing (SAA #1600-2013-0093-R2)
2008011118 California Department of Transportation, District 6 Ferguson Slide Permanent Restoration Project
2013072059 Napa County Gutierrez Vineyard Conversion #P13-00403-ECPA
2007041061 City of Escondido Citracado Parkway Extension
2013078302 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 2 (CDFW) SR 162 Culvert Replacement Project
2013072062 City of Fairfield Waterman Water Treatment Plant Safety Improvements at the Chemical Storage Area
2013078305 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 4 (CDFW) Vault-20 Energy Storage System
2006032058 City of Sacramento Remedial Action Plan, Central Shops Study Area - Soil, South Plume Study Area
2013071086 City of Fullerton Orangefair Multi-Family Development Project # PRJ13-0001
2013078322 Los Angeles County Corral Canyon Fire Safe Alliance
2013072060 Humboldt County Brannon Mountain Quarry Surface Mining Permit and Reclamation Plan
2013078309 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 2 (CDFW) Lake Alteration Agreement #1600-2013-0084-R2 Joseph Dock Access Stairway
2013078303 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Devil's Gulch Repair
2011052062 Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency (SBFCA) Feather River West Levee Project (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit (ITP) No. 2081-2013-054-02).
2013071087 City of Beaumont Potrero Boulevard / 4th Street (east) Street Improvement Project
2013072063 City of Jackson Jackson Circulation Improvement Project and TIF Update
2013078306 City of Elk Grove Laguna Reserve Marketplace Uniform Sign Program - EG-13-034
2013078317 California Tahoe Conservancy El Dorado County - Melba Restoration Project
2011041067 Merced County 2030 Merced County General Plan
2013062044 Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District (GRRCD) Harston Gully Sediment Control Project
2013078320 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) Squaw Valley Ski Area 2013 Annual Work Plan
2013078323 Los Angeles County Pasadena Glen Fire Safe Council
2013072061 San Joaquin County PA-1300114 (UP)
2013078304 California Department of Transportation, District 4 Concrete Median Barrier
2013051079 San Luis Obispo County Miramonte Ranch Major Grading Permit
2013078321 California Department of Industrial Relations DIR/DWC Salinas Lease Renewal
2013072058 City of Oakland Children's Hospital and Research Center Oakland Master Plan Project
2013062039 Placer County Self Parcel Map #1 (PMLD 20110142)
2013078318 California Tahoe Conservancy El Dorado County - West Way Restoration and Fencing Project
2013078312 California Department of Transportation, District 10 Cal-4 Restriping -0Y080
2012071081 Port of Los Angeles Master Plan Update
2008071093 City of Kingsburg Guardian/Sunmaid Reorganization
2013078315 California Tahoe Conservancy El Dorado County - Apache Avenue Restoration and Fencing Project
2013078316 California Tahoe Conservancy El Dorado County - Lindberg Restoration Project
2013078319 California Tahoe Conservancy El Dorado County - Helen Avenue Restoration and Fencing Project
2012061055 Oxnard Union High School District Camarillo Academy + Performing Arts Center
2013078313 California Department of Transportation, District 10 Vista Point Slurry Seal - 0Y040
2013078310 Placer County Hutchison Front Setback
2010091089 City of Glendora Revised Removal Action Work Plan for Arsenic and Petroleum Hydrocarbon-Impacted Soils
2013071085 City of Mission Viejo Hampton Inn
2013072064 Central Valley Flood Protection Board American River Common Features, WRDA 96 Remaining Sites: Sites L7, L10, R3A, and R7
2013052047 Placer County Squaw Valley Preparatory - Creekside Charter, K through 12, Temporary Facility Plan (PDSB 20130141)
2012044003 U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management Draft CDCA Plan Amendment, Ocotillo Sol Project (Volumes I and II)
2013078307 California Department of Transportation, District 10 SR 12 Overly - 0X410
2013071088 City of Adelanto Adelanto Wastewater Treatment Plant 2013 Upgrades