Tuesday, December 4, 2012
- Received Date
- 2012-12-04
- Edit Search
27 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2012121012 | OTH | California Air Resources Board (ARB) | Regulations for Gasoline & Diesel Fuel Test Methods | |
2011074003 | FIN | U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management | West Chocolate Renewable Energy Evauluation Area EIS/CDCA Plan Amendment | |
2012128023 | NOE | California State Lands Commission | Permission to Enter State School Lands to Replace One Wood Pole on Hackman 33kV Circuit | |
2012072034 | EIR | City of Ceres | Water and Sewer System Master Plans | |
2012121010 | NEG | Colorado River Board | Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Agricultural Wastewater Discharges and Discharges | |
2011028188 | NOE | East Orosi Community Services District | Well Rehabilitation an dConsolidation Feasibility Study | |
2012122072 | MND | City of Gilroy | 2007-2014 Housing Element Implementation Project | |
2011118081 | NOE | Gratton School District | Water System Improvement Feasibility Study | |
1997022074 | NOD | City of Lincoln | Storm Water Outfall | |
2011118082 | NOE | Manteca Unified School District | Nile Garden School Water System Improvements Feasibility Study | |
2012121011 | NOP | City of Moreno Valley | PA12-0023 First Inland Logistics Center II | |
2012121008 | NOP | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area Dust Control Project | |
2012128026 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Repairs to Historic Residence No. 4 | |
2012128025 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Dune Restoration | |
2011122032 | FIN | Placer County | Cabin Creek Biomass Facility Project | |
2012128018 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Replacement Well No. 23 with Well NO. 31 | |
2012128019 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Seville Water Comapany, Seville Water Distribution System Rehabilitation Feasibility Study | |
2012128021 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland | Reissuance of Waste Discharge Requirements (Order No. R2-201200087) for Montezuma Wetlands Restoration Project | |
2012128020 | NOE | The Resources Agency | Richmond Greenway 21st Street Portal and Rain Garden | |
2012122003 | MND | City of Santa Clara | QTS Data Center Rezoning Project | |
2012128022 | NOE | California Department of Social Services | Project #133591 | |
2012122002 | NEG | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Remedial Action Plans - Baker Beach Disturbed Area 1A and 2 | |
2002022057 | NOD | Tuolumne County | Huston General Plan Amendment 01GPA-07 and Zone Change 01RZ-03 | |
2000071051 | SIR | United States Army, Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) | Murrieta Creek Phase 2 | |
2012128024 | NOE | University of California | Boyce and Webber Hall Renovations | |
2010031090 | NOD | University of California, Irvine | Verano Place Apartments Unit Four Demolition Project | |
2012121009 | MND | City of Victorville | PLN12-00011 Site Plan and Conditional Use Permit for a Heliport at Desert Valley Hospital |