Wednesday, December 21, 2011
- Received Date
- 2011-12-21
- Edit Search
35 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2011128169 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Acquisition of an Easement from the County of Orange under the Trail Court Facilities Act of 2002 (SB 1732, Escutia), as amended | |
2011121075 | MND | City of Anaheim | Neville Chemical Site | |
2007012021 | MND | Butte County | Signalized Intersection West, LLC Grading Permit GRD 06-01 | |
2011128168 | NOE | California Highway Patrol (CHP) | New Construction Leased Faciity | |
2011062033 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 3 | State Route 49 Curve Improvement | |
2011122062 | MND | City of Chico | Comanche Creek Greenway Improvement Project | |
2011128151 | NOE | City of Elk Grove | Lasher Auto Group (LRSP) = Specitic Plan Amendment and Rezone | |
2011121078 | MND | Fresno County | Allow Expansion of an Existing Fertilizer Processing Operation by an Additional 29.18 acres of Storage Area | |
2011122061 | MND | Humboldt County | Lost Coast Communication Towers | |
2010071019 | NOD | Indio Water Authority | Indio Water Authority Recycled Water Program | |
2011121076 | MND | City of Long Beach | 3801 E. 5th Street | |
1993101036 | NOD | Los Angeles County | Project No. 03-170-(5)/CUP Permit No. 03-170/Environmental Assessment No. 03-170 | |
1989010088 | NOD | Orange County | Orange County Fair and Exposition Center Master Plan | |
2011128174 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Emergency Stabilization and Repairs | |
2011128175 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Tule Removal | |
2011128173 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Replace the Ammonia Removal System | |
2011121079 | MND | City of Paso Robles | Paso Robles Hourse Park, Exhibition Fields and Accessory Buildings | |
2010031028 | NOD | City of Perris | Perris Downtown Specific Plan EIR | |
2011128171 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | MRL STA 14 - Treatment System Addition to Existing Well Station | |
2011128172 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Marysville Station 10 Treatment Improvements | |
2011091050 | NOD | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Fremont Valley System New Well 1-02 Project | |
2007102088 | NOD | City of Sacramento | Center Parkway Bridge over Union House Creek Repair Project (RR17) | |
2007102089 | NOD | City of Sacramento | Center Parkway Bridge over Elder Creek Repair Project (RR17) | |
2011121077 | MND | San Bernardino County | Sheep Creek Channel Invert Restoration | |
2011071014 | EIR | City of San Bernardino | San Bernardino Redevelopment Project Area Merger - Area B | |
2011061021 | EIR | City of San Bernardino | Highland Marketplace | |
2011128214 | NOE | San Diego Association of Governments | Acquisition of State Route (SR) 125 Toll Road Franchise Lease/Toll Modifications/TransNet Extension Ordinance Amendment | |
2011128213 | NOE | San Diego Association of Governments | Acquisition of State Route (SR) 125 Toll Road Franchise Lease/ Toll Modifications/ TransNet Extension Ordinance Amendment | |
2011128215 | NOE | San Diego Association of Governments | Changes to SANDAG Regional Comprehensive Fare Ordinance | |
2011122063 | MND | San Leandro Unified School District | Pacific Sports Complex and Burrell Field Project | |
2003121049 | NOD | Santa Barbara County | Revision to the Previously Approved Diamond Rock Mine and Processing Rock | |
2007071146 | NOD | Santa Margarita Water District | Upper Chiquita Reservoir Emergency Storage Project | |
2011128170 | NOE | Sonoma County Water Agency | Riverfront Park Bank Repair | |
2005072165 | NOP | City of South San Francisco | Master EIR Update for the Genentech Master Plan | |
2011122033 | NOP | City of Ukiah | Single Use Carry-Out Bag Ordinance |