SCH Number 2010071019

Project Info

Indio Water Authority Recycled Water Program
The Indio Water Authority (IWA) proposes to treat wastewater flows from the VSD Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) for re0use on large scale irrigation sites within or adjacent to the City and for possible groundwater recharge of the underlying aquifer. Currently, VSD discharges approximately 7,000 acre-feet per year (AF/yr) of treated effluent to the unlined Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel (hereafter, Channel), which discharges into the Salton Sea approximately 13 miles downstream of the VSD outlet. The proposed project would include (1) installation and operation of a tertiary treatment system that complies with Title 22 Standards for recycled irrigation water, (2) installation and/or conversion and operation of pipelines for recycled water conveyance, (3) installation and operation of one or more groundwater recharge treatment facilities, and (4) installation and operation of aquifer storage recovery (ASR) wells or conversion and operation of existing wells to ASR for groundwater recharge. The project components would be expected to be implemented in phases based upon recycled water availability and market demand.
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Indio Water Authority Indio Water Authority Recycled Water Program
Indio Water Authority Indio Water Authority Recycled Water Program
Indio Water Authority Indio Water Authority Recycled Water Program