Tuesday, March 8, 2011
- Received Date
- 2011-03-08
- Edit Search
31 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2011031023 | MND | City of Anaheim | Linda Vista Tank & Pump Station Replacement Project | |
2011032016 | NEG | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Macdoel to Dorris Pavement Rehabilitation | |
2010112052 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Twin Gulches Curve Improvement | |
2010072041 | EIR | City of Citrus Heights | City of Citrus Heights General Plan Update and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan | |
2006012037 | NOD | Contra Costa Water District | CA Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit 2081-2011-002-03 | |
2006042175 | NOD | City of Davis | Conditional Approval of Water Right Application 30358 filed by the Woodland-Davis Clean Water Agency (WDCWA). | |
2011038100 | NOE | East Bay Regional Parks District | Memorandum of Understanding between the Calfiornia Department of Fish and Game and the East Bay Regional Park District | |
2011012043 | NOD | East Bay Regional Parks District | Lake Chabot Regional Park Bank Stabilization & Access Improvements | |
2011038097 | NOE | Judicial Council of California | Repair and Limited Replacement of Wood Windows at the Justice Wakefield Taylor Courthouse | |
2011038096 | NOE | Judicial Council of California | San Joaquin Juvenile Justice Center: Renovation and Expansion | |
2011031022 | MND | Lake Hemet Municipal Water District | Lake Hemet Municipal Water District 2010 Capital Improvement Program | |
2009111021 | NOD | City of Los Angeles | Hansen Dam Wetlands Restoration Project | |
2011032015 | MND | City of Los Gatos | Riviera Terrace Apartment Expansion | |
2010022053 | OTH | City of Martinez | Alhambra Highlands Residential | |
2011038102 | NOE | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Eagle Rock Tower and Puddingstone Spillway Gates Rehabilitation - Procurement | |
2010092062 | NOD | City of Modesto | Jennings Road Secondary Wastewater Treatment Plant - Phase 2 Improvements | |
2009071104 | EIR | Monterey Peninsula Airport District | Monterey Bay Peninsula Airport - Runway Safety Area Improvements | |
2011032014 | MND | City of Mountain View | Shoreline Technology Park - Building 13 | |
2011031024 | NOP | City of Oxnard | East Village Phase III Annexation (Project) | |
2011038103 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Issue Right of Entry Permit to Pacific Gas and Electric Company | |
2011038094 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Lake Morena Oak Shores Mutual Water Company Consolidation with Lake Morena RV Park | |
2011031027 | MND | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Crazy Horse Canyon Switching Station Project | |
2011038098 | NOE | The Resources Agency | Atascadero Creek Project | |
2011031026 | MND | City of Riverside | Sycamore Canyon Business Park, Water Quality Basins | |
1996022060 | NOP | Sacramento County | Vineyard Springs Drainage Master Plan Revision of Laguna Creek Flood Control | |
2011031025 | MND | Santa Barbara County | Terrace Villas | |
2011038095 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Corrective Measures Proposal, General Plating Company Facility | |
2010061017 | NOD | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Clean Harbors Los Angeles, LCC Permit Renewal | |
2011038101 | NOE | University of California, Davis | A/C 9559200 Central Plant Chiller #4 and Chilled Water Loop Pump | |
2011038099 | NOE | Department of Veterans Affairs | Waste Water System Repairs | |
1995053061 | NOD | City of Woodland | Conditional Approval of Water Right Application 30358 filed by the Woodland-Davis Clean Water Agency (WDCWA). |