Monday, November 24, 2008
- Received Date
- 2008-11-24
- Edit Search
69 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2008118279 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee acquisition of the Monterey Courthouse by the Administrative Office of the Courts from the County of Monterey | |
2008118280 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee acquisition of the Manteca Courthouse by the Administrative Office of the Courts from the County of San Joaquin | |
2008118277 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee acquisition of the Napa Juvenile Courthouse by the Administrative Office of the Courts from the County of Napa | |
2008118278 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee acquisition of the Dorris Courthouse by the Administrative Office of the Courts from the County of Siskiyou | |
2008118281 | NOE | Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) | Fee acquisition of the Tracy Courthouse (475 East 10th Street) and an adjacent modular building (503 East 10th Street) by the Administrative Office of the Cour | |
2008071107 | NOD | City of Big Bear Lake | Tentative Tract Map Application 2005-240, Tentative Tract Map No. 18580, Morgan Pines Subdivision, Talmadge Brothers, LP | |
2008118266 | NOE | Bodega Bay Public Utility District | Bodega Bay Public Utility District Water Rate Adjustment | |
2008118268 | NOE | Bodega Bay Public Utility District | Bodega Bay Public Utility District Water Connection Fee Increase | |
2008118267 | NOE | Bodega Bay Public Utility District | Bodega Bay Public Utility District Wastewater Rate Adjustment | |
2008118276 | NOE | California Cultural & Historical Endowment (CCHE) | Autry National Center of the American West - Tunnel Waterproofing Project | |
2008112097 | MND | California State Lottery | California State Lottery Office Complex Project | |
2008118251 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | #009 - Pavers and Landscaping -- JOC 07-015.028.01 | |
2008118256 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | Install Wells -- JOC 07-015.036.00 | |
2008118253 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | #042 - Replace Mott Pool -- JOC 05-012.058.01 | |
2008118255 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | #192 Engr IV - Install Utilities Room 106 -- JOC 07-014.044.01 | |
2008118254 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | #042 - Anderson Pool Replacement -- JOC 07-015.007.01 | |
2008118252 | NOE | California State University Board of Trustees | #014 - Computer Science Remodel Phase II -- JOC 07-013.028.01 | |
1999011023 | NOD | City of Carlsbad | La Costa Oaks North 3.2 Daycare | |
2008118272 | NOE | City of Cathedral City | Adoption of Resolution Approving an Amendment to Coachella Valley Portion of Transportation Expenditure Plan & Retail Transaction and Use Tax Ordinance No. 88-1 | |
2008112091 | MND | Contra Costa Community College District | Contra Costa College Improvements Implementation Project | |
2008112098 | MND | Del Norte County | Michael and Marla Ovick - Minor Subdivision - MS0820 | |
2008052129 | EIR | Elk Grove Unified School District | Cosumnes River Elementary School Addition | |
2008112093 | MND | City of Healdsburg | Syar Property Recycled Wastewater Agricultural Irrigation Project | |
2008081111 | NOD | Heber Public Utility District | Heber Public Utility District Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project | |
2008061017 | NOD | City of Holtville | City of Holtville Housing Element Update | |
2008101026 | NOD | Kern County | #23.08.1 Buttonwillow Water System Improvements | |
2005101029 | FIN | Port of Los Angeles | Pan-Pacific Fisheries Cannery Buildings Demolition | |
2000092067 | NOD | Marin County | Lawson's Landing Master Plan, Coastal Permit, and Tidelands Permit | |
2008111087 | MND | Merced County | Sumpter Farm Sand Mine | |
2007062074 | NOD | City of Milpitas | Landmark Tower Mixed-Use Development | |
2008111086 | MND | Monterey County | Tetu Minor Subdivision | |
2007062069 | EIR | Napa County | Circle S Ranch #P06-01508-ECPA | |
2007122089 | NOD | City of Oakland | Creekside Mixed-Use Development Project | |
2004011055 | NOD | Orange County | Addendum No. 2 to Final EIR 588 | |
2008091078 | NOD | Orange County Sanitation District | Coyote Hills Golf Course Manhole Access and Odor Control Project | |
2002021112 | NOD | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Crystal Cove Historic District Preservation and Public Use Permit Plan at Crystal Cove State Park | |
2008118258 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Historic Sign Touch-Up | |
2008118275 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Emergency Bridge Removal | |
1999082015 | NOD | Placer County | Tahoe City Transit Center | |
2008118271 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Install a new distribution pipeline and intertie for Arsenic MCI reduction | |
2008118259 | NOE | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Redwood City School District Network Project | |
2008118264 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Santa Rosa | Humboldt Co. DPW - Sprowel Creek Road P.M. 0.60, '05-06 Storm Damage Repair | |
2008118273 | NOE | City of Riverside | Adoption of Resolution Approve an Amendment to Coachella Valley Portion of Transportation Expenditure Plan and Retail Transaction and Use Tax Ordinance No. 88-1 | |
2008118270 | NOE | Sacramento County | SUMMERS USE PERMIT | |
2008102036 | FIN | Sacramento Municipal Utility District | Folsom South Canal 69-kV Subtransmission Line Project | |
2008119007 | NOD | City of Sacramento | A Journey of Exploration Exhibits | |
2008081129 | NOD | San Bernardino International Airport Authority | Weatherization Improvements to Existing Buildings and Infrastructure Renovation Project | |
2008091115 | NOD | San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District | Devil Canyon Well No. 8 Project | |
2007071155 | NOD | City of San Bernardino | University Hills Sepcific Plan Subsequent Environmental Impact Report | |
2008101018 | NOD | California San Diego River Conservancy (SDRC) | San Diego River Gorge Trail and Trailhead Improvement Project | |
2008119006 | NOD | San Luis Harbor District, Port of | Phase II Renovation Activities for the Port San Luis Light Station | |
2008111088 | MND | San Luis Obispo County | Ramos/ Miller DRC2007-00099 Minor Use Permit | |
2008111089 | MND | San Luis Obispo County | People's Self Help Housing Tract Map | |
2008119008 | NOD | City of Santa Ana | RS-68 Booster Project | |
2008022031 | NOD | City of Scotts Valley | Scotts Valley Town Center Specific Plan Initial Study | |
2008111085 | NOP | City of South Gate | Proposed Amendment No. 13 to South Gate Existing Project Area No. 1 | |
2008118274 | NOE | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Approval of Temporary Authorization for Clean Harbors San Jose, LLC (Clean Harbors Berryessa Fcility) | |
2008112094 | EA | Trinity County | Ruth Public Safety Facility | |
2008112092 | MND | Truckee Donner Public Utility District | 2009 Tahoe Donner Pipeline Replacement Project | |
2008112095 | NOP | U.S. Federal Transit Administration | Geary Corridor Bus Rapid Transit Project | |
2008091098 | NOD | Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority | Westside Water Reclamation Plant, Phases III and IV Modifications and Expansion Project | |
2008118265 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Victoria Drainage Project SAA 1600-2008-0286-R2 | |
2008118263 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | 6825 | |
2008118260 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Parish Road Culvert Replacement, Solano County | |
2008118262 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Cuesta La Honda Guild Diversion Intake Fish Screen | |
2008118261 | NOE | Fish & Game #4 | Agreement No. 2008-0162-R4 for the Annadale Culvert Repair and Replacement in Turner Slough, Fresno County | |
2008101022 | NOD | Fish & Game #6 | Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve - Vernal Pool Parking Lot | |
2008112096 | NOP | Fish and Game (HQ) Environmental Services | PG&E Multiple Region Operation and Maintenance Habitat Conservation Plan EIS/EIR |