SCH Number 2007071155

Project Info

University Hills Specific Plan
The UHSP consists of 404.3 total acres, with 169.5 acres or 42 percent of the site proposed for residential and related uses, including 10.2 acres of parks and recreational uses. The project proposes a total of 980 units with a gross density of 2.4 dwelling units per acre (980 units divided by 404.3 acres) and a net density of 5.8 units per acre, excluding natural open space (980 units divided by 169.5 acres).
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Bernardino University Hills Sepcific Plan Subsequent Environmental Impact Report
City of San Bernardino University Hills Sepcific Plan Subsequent Environmental Impact Report
City of San Bernardino University Hills Specific Plan
City of San Bernardino University Hills Specific Plan EIR - Revised
City of San Bernardino University Hills Specific Plan EIR - Revised