Monday, April 28, 2008

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47 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2007062021 City of Benicia Lower Arsenal Mixed Use Specific Plan - Recirculaion of Noise and Global Climate Change, Energy Use and Sustainability Sections
2008048371 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Asphalt Concrete Pavement Repair Project
2008042113 California Department of Transportation, District 6 State Route 99 Eight Mile Road Interchange Improvements, EA 10-0L130
2008041151 Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) Dos Palmas Wetland Creation Project
2008041154 Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) Well 4615-1
2008048372 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) Mount Tamalpais Watershed Gateway Project
2008049042 California Energy Commission Colusa Generating Station (06-AFC-9)
2008049042 California Energy Commission Colusa Generating Station (06-AFC-9)
2008049041 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Buck Timber Harvesting Plan (2-07-092-NEV)
2008048370 Fort Bragg Unified School District Shelter Cove Basketball Court
2008048369 Fort Bragg Unified School District Noyo High School Basketball Court
2008042116 City of Fremont Bayside Marketplace Retail (PLN2008-00117)
2008041149 Fresno County Manning Avenue (Crawford-Hill) IS 5953
2008042117 City of Grass Valley Iris Lane Project, Tentative Map 07PLN25
2008041150 City of Laguna Beach Mixed-Use Commercial/Residential
2006081080 Los Angeles Unified School District Valley Region Monroe Span K-8 Addition
2008031095 City of Los Angeles Museum of Tolerance Project
2007012018 City of Manteca Stadium Center Phase III
2008048364 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Agreements Related to Interim Guidelines for Operation of Lake Powell and Lake Mead
2007062074 City of Milpitas Landmark Tower Mixed-Use Development
2007041046 Monterey County Saddle Road Group Subdivision
2008012089 City of Oakland Habitat for Humanity East Bay, 10800 Edes Avenue
2008012089 City of Oakland Habitat for Humanity East Bay, 10800 Edes Avenue
1988072509 Placer County Dry Creek - West Placer Community Plan
2007122025 Placer County Donner-Truckee Veterinary Hospital (PREA T20070547)
2006091036 San Diego County Review Per Lead
2000101027 San Diego County TPM 21087, Log No. 99-02-010A; McReynolds Tentative Parcel Map
2005062084 City and County of San Francisco Laguna Hill Residential Project
2008042119 San Joaquin County Government Buildings Demolition
2008041155 San Luis Obispo County Barba Grading Permit / PMT2007-01389
2008041152 San Luis Obispo County Wolcott Grading Permit
2008041153 San Luis Obispo County Arciero Grading Permit
2008042115 City of San Mateo Clock Tower Building (PA 07-087)
2008042121 Santa Cruz County Swanton Road Roadside Stream Bank Repair - 08-0134
2008042120 Santa Cruz County North Rodeo Gulch Stream Bank Repair 08-0099
2007051141 City of Santa Maria Lakeview Promenade
2008048365 City of Santee Conditional Use Permit P97-16 Minor Revision No. 1
2008042118 Solano County Siena Major Subdivision No. S-05-01
2008041148 City of Solvang General Plan Update - Land Use and Circulation Elements
2007102071 Sonoma County North Slope Sonoma Mountain Ridge Trail Project
2008012063 City of South Lake Tahoe Upper Truckee River Restoration Project, Middle Reaches 3 and 4
2008041156 City of Tulare Municipal Water Well No. 40
2008041157 City of Tulare Municipal Water Well No. 41 (2100 W. Paige Avenue)
2008048367 Fish & Game #2 Tavern Shores Pier Repair (1600-2007-0429-R2)
2008048368 Fish & Game #2 Temporary Dry Stream Crossing for Mini-Storage Construction (1600-2008-0060-R2)
2008048366 Fish & Game #2 DeSabla Reservoir Dam Face Cellulose Removal (1600-2008-0105-R2)
2007092004 Fish & Game #3 Cullinan Ranch Restoration Project