Wednesday, February 20, 2008

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48 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2008028135 California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) Lease of Existing Office Space
2008028141 Tuolumne County 04WA-135 and 04RZ-148
2008028138 California Department of Parks and Recreation Replace Community Garden Greenhouse
2004071164 Fontana Unified School District High School No. 5
2008022095 Biggs-West Gridley Water District Biggs-West Gridley Water District 2008 Crop Idling Water Transfer Program
2008028149 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Draft Remedial Action Plan, Davis Chemical Site
2007121141 Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority (BGPAA) Bob Hope Airport Baggage Inspection/Make-Up Facility
2008021093 Santa Barbara County Hi Mark Nursery Greenhouses, Single Family Dwelling & Residential Second Unit
2007102120 City of Shasta Lake Fourth Amendment to the Shasta Dam Area Redevelopment Plan
2008028152 West Hills Community College District Ag Science Sitework
2008022098 California Department of Transportation, District 3 I-5/I-80 HOV Interchange Modification Project
2008022096 Placer County Sharmoug Minor Land Division (PMLD T20070605)
2008028150 California Department of Parks and Recreation Special Event Mercededs
2008028136 Panama-Buena Vista Union School District Addition to Old River Elementary School
2008021088 City of Big Bear Lake Conditional Use Permit 2007-212 and Variance 2007-214
2008028147 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Methacrylate - Various Bridges (EA:03-2M9201)
2008021094 City of San Diego Amendments to the City of San Diego's Land Development Code/Land Development Manual, Environmentally Sensitive Land Regulations, Including Revisions...
2008021091 City of Barstow Rimrock Ranch Specific Plan
2008028144 City of Orinda Orinda Community Park North Playground Replacement
2007041083 City of San Juan Capistrano Centra Point
2003122002 City of Santa Clara Santa Clara Square (3700 El Camino Real)
2008028148 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Closure of Building 233 Container Storage Unit at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
2007081117 City of San Fernando San Fernando Parking Lots Projects
2008028145 California Department of Transportation, Headquarters Seismic Retrofit (EA:03-1E110)
2008021092 California Department of Transportation, District 8 Interstate 15/State Route 79 South Interchange Improvement Project
2008028151 California Department of Parks and Recreation Replace Existing Leach Field
2008021089 City of Los Angeles Sylmar Community Plan Project
2008028142 Tuolumne County 05WA-174 and 05RZ-198
2007101091 City of Alhambra Gateway Plaza Open Space Development Project
2008028139 Tuolumne County Design Review Permit DR07-093
2007082030 City of Healdsburg Healdsburg General Plan
2007031108 City of South Gate Concurrence in the Issuance of a New Solid Waste Facilities Permit (SWFP 19-AA-1077) for Construction and Demolition Recycling in Los Angeles County
2007111016 California Department of Transportation, District 8 Interstate 10/Riverside Avenue Interchange Improvement Project
2008028143 California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) Storm Water Master Plan Implementation - Percolation Pond A8-1
2008028140 Tuolumne County 05WA-139 and 05RZ-150
2008021087 Long Beach Redevelopment Agency North Village Center Redevelopment Project
2008024004 United States Fish and Wildlife (FWS) Habitat Restoration of the Afton Unit, Tract 2 on Sacramento River National Wildlife Refuge
2008028146 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Super-Elevation Improvement - Safety Project (EA:03-3E000)
2006021109 Glendale Redevelopment Agency Verdugo Gardens
2008021090 San Luis Obispo County Pehl Conditional Use Permit ED07-081
2007121020 City of Perris Line Q Storm Drain Channel Improvements (CIP D)
2007041023 Imperial County Concurrence in the Issuance of a Revised Solid Waste Facilities Permit (SWFP 13-AA-0009) for Niland Solid Waste Site in Imperial County
2007122042 City of Sutter Creek Sutter Creek 2007 Housing Element Update
2005091172 City of Oceanside Mesa Ridge Project
2007052118 Del Norte County Del Norte County Wal-Mart Expansion Project
2008029013 Tuolumne County Tentative Subdivision Map T07-052 and Ordinance for Zone Change RZ07-021
2008022097 Butte County Earl & Helen Gilbertson Tentative Parcel Map 03-17
2008028137 Galt Joint Union High School District Sale of Sousa Property in Galt, California in the County of San Joaquin, California