Monday, September 24, 2007

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53 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2007098322 College School District College School/Santa Ynez Charter School Phase II Modernization
2001061058 San Diego County Air Touch Highway 67 and San Vicente Communication Site
2007098299 Fish & Game #2 Sun City Lincoln Hills Pond Dam Repair (1600-2007-0257-R2)
2007098362 California Department of Parks and Recreation Pioneer Express Trail Re-route and REhabilitation
2007098302 Colusa County E & L Westcoast, LLC, a Subsidiary of Competitive Power Ventures, Inc., Colusa Generating Station, GPA/ZA #07-2-1 (ED #07-48)
2007098316 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of coverage to Placer County APN 83-072-02 (Holtzinger)
2006102034 Union Sanitary District Lower Hetch-Hetchy Sewer Rehabilitation Project
2007098296 Fish & Game #4 Plains Exploration and Production Company (PXP) Hyla Stream Crossing Project, Agreement No. 2007-0044-R4
2007098319 City of San Diego Sprint Centre Point
2007092079 Humboldt County Cal-One Cellular Minor Subdivision and Zone Reclassification
2007022115 City of Truckee Pioneer East Business Park
2004052014 California Department of Transportation, District 1 Confusion Hill Highway Relocation Project
2007098310 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-07-0503, Sacramento River, Tributary to the Pacific Coast
2005122113 Lodi Unified School District Lockeford School Expansion
2007098313 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Removal Action Workplan for Soil, Gardena Lots 1-5 (Gardena Marketplace)
2005121097 Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) Diaz Road Lift Station Replacement Project
2007098314 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Proposed Central Los Angeles Elementary School No. 16, Site 3, Removal Action Workplan
2007081085 Saugus Union School District Ruether Maintenance and Operations Building
2007098317 California Tahoe Conservancy Transferof coverage to Placer County APN 92-221-05 (SWH Development, LLC)
2007071138 Fish & Game #6 San Jacinto Wildlife Area, Portrero Unit Dove Hunt
2007098311 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-07-0447; Jewett Creek, Tributary to the Sacramento River
2007098297 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Santa Rosa Willis Avenue Culvert Replacement Project
2007061099 City of Santee Biological Habitat Preserve - Mast Park (P07-02)
2007091126 City of Victorville Site Plan & Parcel Map PLN07-00079
2007098308 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Elevation of Curve Correction
2007092082 City of Santa Rosa Fourth & Davis Mixed Use Project
2007099035 Fish & Game #2 Forbes Timber Harvest Plan - Streambed Alteration Agreement
2007098305 California Department of Transportation, District 2 O'Brien Safety Roadside Rest Area
2006061105 Kern County SD EIR 07-06; PdV Wind Energy Project
2007098306 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Microwave Repeater
2007098309 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration No. R1-07-0475, Unnamed Creek, Tributary to Churn Creek
2007091127 City of Brea Brea Mall Expansion
2007052046 Nevada Irrigation District DS Canal Flume Replacement Project
1997071093 City of San Luis Obispo Agreement R4-2007-0068 - Marsh Street Bridge Silt Removal
2007098300 Fish & Game #2 Maple Creek Culvert Crossing (1600-2005-0259-R2)
2007098323 Calaveras County Gillam Road Maintenance
2006111109 Inyo County Big Pine Library Building
2007098303 City of Adelanto Tentative Parcel Map 17080
2007098320 City of Santee Minor Conditional Use Permit MP07-04
2007098307 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Slope Stability
2007092081 City of Santa Rosa Skyfarm Unit 3
2003072093 City of Santa Clara CEQ2006-01032/ CEQ2006-01033/CEQ2007-01039
2007091128 City of Twentynine Palms PC 07-05 Tentative Tract Map 18219
2007031128 Fontana Unified School District Henry J. Kaiser High School Stadium
2007098301 Colusa County E & L Westcoast, LLC, a Subsidiary of Competitive Power Ventures, Inc., Colusa Generating Station, TPM #07-2-4 (ED #07-49)
2007098304 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Subsurface Geologic Investigation
2006011001 Merced Union High School District Merced Union High School District, Bellevue High School
2007098315 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Sacramento Prospect Island Levee Repair and Stringer Property Bank Stabilization Projects
2007082002 City of Orland Pre-Zone #2006-02, Annexation #2006-01, Tentative Parcel Map #2006-07
2007098295 Fish & Game #4 Bengard Diversion and Flashboard Weir, Agreement No. 2007-0124-R4
2007098318 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Administrative Civil Liability
2007098298 Fish & Game #2 Staverville Creek Grass Waterway Flood Damage Repair
2007098321 College School District Santa Ynez School Phase II Modernization