Thursday, June 29, 2006
- Received Date
- 2006-06-29
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60 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2000031004 | NOD | City of Buena Park | Environmental Impact Report No. EIR-00-01 / General Plan Amendment No. GP 00-02. | |
200606 | BIA | United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs | Round Valley APN 033-012-001 | |
2006068300 | NOE | California Conservation Corps (CCC) | California Conservation Corps (CCC) - Siskiyou Satelite | |
2006061147 | NOP | California Department of Transportation, District 8 | US-395 Realignment Freeway/Expressway Project | |
2006068312 | NOE | Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) | Addition of Three Portable Classrooms at Chaparral Elementary School | |
2006068311 | NOE | Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) | Portable Placement at Carl Hankey School | |
2006068314 | NOE | Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) | Ladera Ranch K-8 | |
2006068313 | NOE | Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) | Replacement of an Existing Portable Classroom and One Portable Restroom at Newhart Middle School | |
2006061152 | NEG | City of Chowchilla | Legacy Park | |
2006069027 | NOD | Colusa County | ED #05-124 Marjory L. Jordan TPM #05-12-1 | |
2006069030 | NOD | Colusa County | ED #05-66 Gail and Gary Briles UP #05-7-3 | |
2006069033 | NOD | Colusa County | ED #05-93 The Richter Group TSM #05-9-1 | |
2006069034 | NOD | Colusa County | ED #05-36 Robert Bales TPM #05-4-2 | |
2006069029 | NOD | Colusa County | ED #06-13 Fredrick H. Grimmer TPM #06-2-1 | |
2006069035 | NOD | Colusa County | ED #05-35 Mike Purtill TPM #05-4-1 | |
2006069028 | NOD | Colusa County | ED #06-7 William E. Charter TPM #06-1-1 | |
2006069031 | NOD | Colusa County | ED #06-14 Jack Pesola TPM #06-2-2 | |
2006069032 | NOD | Colusa County | ED #06-6 TexCal UP #06-1-1 | |
2006012141 | EIR | City of Concord | Central Concord Redevelopment Plan Amendment | |
2005062142 | NOD | City of Davis | Second Street Crossing (Target Store) | |
2005061143 | NEG | City of Del Mar | Riverview Offices Project | |
2006042153 | NOD | Denair Unified School District | Denair Middle School | |
2005111109 | EIR | City of El Centro | The Plaza at Imperial Valley | |
2006068320 | NOE | El Dorado County | Preventative Maintenance of Vehicles El Dorado Transit Authority | |
2006068305 | NOE | Fallen Leaf Lake Fire Protection District | Fire Plan Project #4, Phase I Fallen Leaf Road | |
2006061159 | NEG | City of Hollister | Guerra Prezoning 2005-1, Zone Change No 05-145, C-District Review 05-75 | |
2006061154 | NEG | City of Lake Elsinore | Annexation No. 78 - Christensen Property, GPA 2006-01, ZC 2006-03 | |
2006061157 | NEG | City of Lindsay | Parque Centenario/ Lindsay Wellness Center | |
2006061156 | NEG | City of Los Angeles | Tentative Tract Map No. 66318 | |
2006021060 | EIR | City of Los Banos | Pioneer Corridor Area Plans (Presidential Estates Area Plan, West Center Area Plan, and Ward/Place Area Plan) | |
2006011101 | NOP | Madera County | North Fork Village - 1 Specific Plan | |
2006061160 | NEG | City of Madera | Ellis Street/Avenue 16 Sewer Main Extension Project | |
2006068303 | NOE | Monterey Peninsula Community College District | Portable Buildings for Public Safety Program Offices on the Colonel Durham Site (Fort Ord) | |
2005042021 | NOD | City of Mountain View | 100 Mayfield Avenue Residential Redevelopment | |
2006061140 | NOP | Orange County | South Subregion Natural Community Conservation Planning (NCCP) Program (EIR 584) | |
2006062150 | NOP | City of Pacifica | The Prospects Residential Project (34 Residential Units at 801 Fassler Ave) | |
2006052139 | NOD | Placer County | Kemper Woods Subdivision (PSUB T20050600) | |
2006061150 | NEG | Porterville Unified School District | Marton/ Hillcrest Elementary School District | |
2006068301 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland | Ox Mountain Landfill Adoption of Waste Discharge Requirements, Regional Board Order No. R2-2006-0040 | |
2006068318 | NOE | Sacramento Regional Transit District | Downtown Ligjt Rail Station Rehabilitation and Enhancements | |
2006068317 | NOE | Sacramento Regional Transit District | Preventative Maintenance of Facilities and Vehicles | |
2006068319 | NOE | Sacramento Regional Transit District | Replace One or Two Commuter Buses | |
2006068316 | NOE | Sacramento Regional Transit District | 40 Paratransit Vehicles | |
2006068315 | NOE | Sacramento Regional Transit District | 91 Buses - Match Federal Funds | |
2006068322 | NOE | Sacramento Regional Transit District | 22 Bus Shelters | |
2006068321 | NOE | Sacramento Regional Transit District | Preventive Maintenance of Vehicles Folsom Stage Line | |
2006071030 | NEG | San Bernardino County | Opah Ditch Material Site | |
2006061168 | NEG | San Bernardino County | TPM 17474 | |
2006061153 | NEG | San Diego, Port of | San Diego International Terminals Project | |
2006012011 | NEG | San Joaquin County | Solari Ranch Major Subdivision - PA-0400789 | |
2006061149 | NEG | San Luis Obispo County | Brohaugh Grading Permit PMT2005-02670 | |
2006061151 | NEG | San Luis Obispo County | Cappelli Parcel Map ED 05-291 | |
2006061148 | NEG | San Luis Obispo County | Heritage Ranch Owner's Association Grading Permit PMT 2005-02470 | |
2005042013 | NEG | City of Santa Cruz | Sea and Sand Motel | |
1992052124 | NOD | City of Stockton | North Stockton Project Annexation | |
1992052124 | NOD | City of Stockton | North Stockton Project Annexation | |
2006061155 | NEG | Ventura County | LU04-0055 (Ozena Valley) | |
2006061158 | NEG | City of Victorville | Tentative Tract TT-06-029 | |
2006068302 | NOE | Western Placer Waste Management Authority | Temporary Household Hazardous Wast (HHW) Collection Events - Auburn Area | |
2006068304 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Tule Basin Farms LLC (Project No. 05-072) |