SCH Number 2006061159
Project Info
- Title
- Guerra Prezoning 2005-1, Zone Change No 05-145, C-District Review 05-75
- Description
- Prezoning 2005-1 is a request to prezone 32.27 acres to PZ C-2-S General Commercial and 3.14 acres to PZ R4 Medium Density Multiple Family Residence for annexation to the City of Hollister. The City of Hollister is currently under a Cease and Desist Order from the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWCQB) which does not allow new connections to the City's waste-water treatment facility and annexation request will be considered after a waste discharge permit for a new wastewater treatment and disposal system is approved by the RWQCB. the City of Hollister has agreed to work with San Benito County to allow the rezoning of the 35.5 acre site to C-2 General Commercial and Residential Multiple with San Benito County Zone Change #-5-145 and to process an application for Commercial District Review - CDR #05-75 on a portion of the site for a proposed 150,000 square foot home improvement center.
2 documents in project