Monday, June 19, 2006
- Received Date
- 2006-06-19
- Edit Search
56 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2003111051 | NOD | City of Agoura Hills | Agoura Hills Specific Plan Final Program EIR | |
2006061095 | NEG | City of Banning | Conditional Use Permit 06-801, Pardee Homes Golf Course | |
2006032051 | NOD | Calaveras County | 2005-43 Tentative Parcel Map for Gerald M. and Colette Y. Lantzy | |
2006068131 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 1 | Rehabilitate Drainage at Five Locations | |
2006068130 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 2 | Traffic Management Systems | |
2006061089 | NOP | California Department of Transportation, District 7 | SR-39 Roadway Rehabilitation and Reopening Project | |
2004061159 | EIR | Camrosa Water District | Renewable Water Resource Management Plan for the Southern Reaches of the Calleguas Creek Watershed | |
2004041081 | NOD | City of Carlsbad | Power and Desalination Plants Project - EIR 03-05 | |
2006021003 | EIR | Castaic Lake Water Agency | Castaic Lake Water Agency's Water Acquisition from the Buena Vista Water Storage District and Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District Water Banking and Recove | |
2006052064 | NOD | Central Marin Sanitation Agency (CMSA) | Wet Weather Improvements Project | |
2006052089 | NOD | Central Valley Flood Protection Board | American River Common Features Pocket Area Geotechnical Element | |
2006062093 | NOP | City of Concord | City of Concord Refocused General Plan Update and Zoning Ordinance Update | |
2005092130 | EIR | City of Concord | Jones Ranch Commercial Shopping Center Project | |
2006061083 | NEG | City of Dana Point | GPA 04-01 / ZC 04-01 / TTM 16730 / SDP 06-25 | |
2006061084 | MND | City of Del Mar | 21st Street Sewer Pump Station Replacement Project | |
2006051027 | NOD | California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources | Nahabedian Section 23 Project | |
2006061082 | NOP | City of El Centro | Change of Zone 05-03 and Tentative Subdivision Map (Citrus Grove Estates), El Centro | |
2006068087 | NOE | California Environmental Protection Agency | Unified Program Single Fee System for State Agencies, R-2005-18 Final Rulemaking | |
2006041131 | NOD | City of Escondido | 2006-03-PD/SPA, SoCal Senior Housing Development-Planned Development, Specific Plan Amendment and Relocation Plan and Conversion Impact Report | |
2006061094 | MND | Fresno County | Kroeker, Inc. - Initial Study | |
2006068132 | NOE | Department of General Services (DGS) | Emergency Granite and Terra Cotta Repair, 350 McAllister Street, San Francisco, CA | |
2006062091 | NEG | Humboldt County | Eldridge Minor Subdivision | |
2006062092 | MND | Humboldt County | A Special Permit for Past Work within a Streamside Management Area (SMA) | |
2006061090 | NEG | Inyo County | Construction Use Permit #2005-02 / Carrera & Parcel Merger #2005-08 / Carrera | |
2006061085 | NEG | Inyo County | Zone Reclassification #2006-02 / Inyo County | |
2006061088 | MND | Los Angeles County | Haines Canyon Channel Outlet Maintenance | |
1998101060 | FIN | Los Angeles County | Heschel West School; Project 98-062 (CUP) | |
2006061096 | NOP | City of Los Angeles | The New Century Plan | |
2005081128 | NOP | Moreno Valley Unified School District | High School No. 5 | |
2006032065 | NOD | Port of Oakland | Port of Oakland Maritime CNG Project | |
2006032101 | NOD | City of Oakley | Vintner View, Subdivision 8836 | |
2006068129 | NOE | Ocean View School District | Adoption of Level 2 School Facilities Fees | |
2006061092 | NOP | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Santa Susanna Pass State Historic Park Preliminary General Plan | |
2006062095 | MND | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Mill Creek Acquisition Forest Ecosystem Restoration & Protection Project | |
2006062089 | NOP | Plumas County | Feather River Pines, Tentative Subdivision Map, TSM 3-05/06-15 | |
2006068128 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Expansion of Raub Wellfield Treatment Plan (Raub Regional Treatment Facility) | |
2005122004 | NOD | City of Rio Vista | Rio Vista Perimeter Roads | |
2003121164 | FIN | Riverside County | Specific Plan No. 00336 (Desert Dunes Specific Plan), Change of Zone No. 06876 and Environmental Impact Report No. 00455 | |
2006061086 | NEG | San Benito County | ZC 05-143 | |
2006061091 | NEG | City of San Diego | Sycamore Landfill Tonnage Increase | |
2006062090 | NEG | San Joaquin County | PA0600066 | |
2006042158 | NOD | San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District | Rule 4570 Confined Animal Facilities | |
2005031014 | EIR | City of Solana Beach | Mixed Use Solana Beach Train Station | |
2005111057 | EIR | South Coast Air Quality Management District | BP Carson Refinery Safety, Compliance and Optimization Project | |
2003102144 | FIN | Stanislaus County | Orchard Estates / Lake Road Grizzly Ranch EIR Parcel Map 2003-45 | |
2006068134 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | Access Across Conservancy Land for Transporting Supplies to an Adjacent Parcel | |
2006068135 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | Transfer of Coverage to Placer County APN 90-124-05 (Roth) | |
2006068137 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | Transfer of One Residential Unit of Use to El Dorado County APN 22-351-27 (Grant Wolf Inc.) | |
2006068138 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | Transfer of One Residential Unit of Use to El Dorado County APN 22-351-28 (Grant Wolf Inc.) | |
2006068136 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | Transfer of Coverage to Placer County APN 90-191-10 (Remondini) | |
2006068133 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | Transfer of Coverage to Placer County APN 92-120-11 (Frautschi) | |
2006064004 | EA | United States Army, Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) | Channel Islands/Port Hueneme Harbors Maintenance Dredging Project | |
2006041079 | NOD | Val Verde Unified School District | May Ranch Elementary School | |
2006061093 | MND | Ventura Regional Sanitation District | Toland Road Landfill Biosolids Facility and Electrical Generation Project | |
2006068139 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Bear Gulch Dam, No. 581-6 | |
2006061087 | MND | Western Municipal Water District | Gamble Lift Station, Sewer Line and Bobbitt Avenue Sewer Lines |