Wednesday, July 26, 2000

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27 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2000079085 City of Santa Rosa Southwest Santa Rosa Redevelopment Plan
2000074010 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Colorado River Interim Surplus Criteria
2000061080 California Department of Parks and Recreation Point Dume Natural Preserve Site Improvements
2000072089 Alpine County Palisades Units 2 and 3
2000078246 Fish & Game #2 Gilsizer Slough Culvert Enlargement at Stewart Road
2000062053 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Calloway Development Timberland Conversion
2000072086 Alameda County Relocated Arroyo Las Positas Channel Repair Project
2000078250 Glenn County Environmental Review # 2000-06 Glen County Landfill Covered Tipping Facility
2000072090 Placer County Kalorama (EIAQ-3396)
1999101106 City of Carlsbad South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Plan
1991013084 City of Brentwood HANCOCK ANNEXATION
2000078247 Fish & Game #2 Hospital Creek Bank Repair
2000031034 City of Westminster Westminster Infrastructure Revitalization Plan, an Amendment to Commercial Redevelopment Project No. 1
1997032100 Mono County Sierra Business Park Specific Plan and Draft EIR
1996101044 City of San Diego Los Penasquitos County Trail
2000071102 City of Palm Springs Tentative Parcel Map 29631
2000078248 Fish & Game #2 Issuance of a Streambed Alteration Agreement R2-151-00
2000072088 City of Santa Rosa Red Oak Subdivision
2000071103 City of Palm Springs Tentative Tract 29632
1998082031 City and County of San Francisco Alameda Watershed Management Plan
2000078245 California Department of Transportation, District 2 Re-routed north on Market St. to Lake Blvd.
2000072085 Lake County Upper Lake - Nice Area Plan
2000079078 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of Land Coverage-Meyers Post Office
2000011083 City of Claremont Claremont Consolidated Redevelopment Project Area (Village Project Area, Foothill Project Area and 97 new acres)
2000072083 Del Norte County Castle Rock Hardwoods - Use Permit UP0048C
2000012040 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Pahlmeyer Vineyard Timberland Conversion Amended, Sonoma County, 0.9 Acres
2000071101 City of Palm Springs Tentative Tract 28668