Thursday, October 21, 1999

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34 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
199915 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Karuk APN 062-151-470, 062-151-480, 062-151-490, 13-120-380, 62-061-040, 62-171-010, 62-171-010-020
1999102080 Butte County Draft Chico Urban Area Nitrate Compliance Plan
1999101106 City of Carlsbad South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Plan
1999109075 City of Chula Vista Olympic Parkway
1999101098 City of Clovis City of Clovis Water Master Plan Update, Phase II, Facilities Plan
1999101102 City of Corcoran Correctional Facilities in the City of Corcoran
1999062045 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) San Quentin Shoreline Repairs-- Phase II Final Measures
1999101109 City of El Centro Change of Zone No. 99-7 and Desert Estates West Tentative Subdivision Map
1999101140 City of El Centro Change of Zone No. 99-6 and Santa Rosa Tentative Subdivision Map
1999101141 City of El Centro Change of Zone No. 99-5 and Wildflower El Centro Tentative Subdivision Map
1999109063 California Energy Commission La Paloma Generating Project (98-AFC-2), October 1999
1999101107 Glendale Redevelopment Agency Grand Central Creative Campus (GC3)
1999102079 City of Healdsburg Grove Street Neighborhood Plan for the City of Healdsburg
1980121901 City of Highland Draft Supplement to the East Highlands Ranch (EHR) Planned Unit Development EIR
1999108230 Hueneme School District Ostler Bank Protection Project
1999101105 Las Virgenes Unified School District Middle School Project
1999101103 Los Angeles County Conditional Use Permit/ Oak Tree Permit 98155, Tract 44471
1999101099 Los Angeles County CUP90-406/ OTP 99-032 Simons/ Whitter Residence
1999101108 Marina Coast Water District Marina Coast Water District Recycled Water Pipeline Project
199910965 California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery Cleanup of the Waste Tire Pile Located at the Old White Rock Road Disposal Area
1999108233 California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery Cleanup of the Yosemite Slough Illegal Disposal Site
1999108232 California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery Cleanup of the Tijuana River Valley Illegal Disposal Site
1999101101 San Diego County TM 5169/ R99-006/ HLP 99-02/ Log Number 99-08-027/ El Norte (Sunset Heights) Residential Subdivision
1999101104 San Diego County Trenfell Subdivision
1999108228 State Water Resources Control Board Petition for Temporary Urgency Change in Place of use Application No. 476 and 22061
1999108229 State Water Resources Control Board Application to Appropriate Water
1990021082 City of Stockton Weber Block Redevelopment Project
1999062131 City of Stockton State Route 99/ Arch Road Interchange Reconstruction Project (IS18-98)
1999108238 California Tahoe Conservancy Transfer of coverage to El Dorado County APN 35-273-11 (Smith)
1998081038 City of Thousand Oaks Hill Canyon Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion
1999081002 University of California, Los Angeles UCLA University Village Expansion
1999108227 University of California, Santa Barbara Installation of a GPS receiver on Santa Cruz Island
1999108239 Fish & Game, Wildlife Conservation Board Rancho Miguel #2