Thursday, February 18, 2021

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23 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2020039028 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) Terminal Four Wharf, Warehouse, and Piling Removal Project
2020049025 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Castaic Dam High Intake Tower Bridge Replacement (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2020-0102-R5)
2021020332 Port of Los Angeles Trani’s Dockside Restaurant Repair and Rehabilitation
2021020331 California Department of Transportation, District 3 (DOT) ED 50EB Sinkhole (1J240)
2018031027 United States Department of the Interior Crimson Solar Project Final Environmental Impact Statement and Proposed Land Use Plan Amendment to the California Desert Conservation Area Plan
2021020330 Del Norte County Hidden Creek Planned Community Use Permit Amendment
2021020329 Irvine Ranch Water District Lake Forest Zone B to C Pump Station Project
2021020328 California Department of Transportation, District 10 (DOT) 10-1C360 - AMA-88 Guardrail Upgrade Project
2021020327 California Department of Transportation, District 10 (DOT) 10-0T680 STAA Truck Turning Radius Improvement Project
2021020326 California Department of Transportation, District 10 (DOT) 10-1F170 NOE - SJ-26 Increase Bridge Vertical Clearance
2021010123 City of Arcata City of Arcata Ridge Trail - Fickle Hill Segment
2021020325 City of San Diego College View Apartment SDP/NDP/PDP
2018011026 Ventura Regional Sanitation District Toland Optimization Plan Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
2021020324 Forestry and Fire Protection, Board of VHFHSZ Non-Substantive Amendments to 14 CCR s. 1270.00 et seq.
2021020323 City of Petaluma Riverview Apartments
2021020322 California Department of Transportation, District 3 03-4H580 SAC-5 Corridor Improvement Project
1998109251 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Safety Kleen of California, Inc Santa Maria Standardized Permit Renewal
2019090702 Shasta County Crystal Creek Aggregate Use Permit Amendment (UP-19-007); Reclamation Plan Amendment (RA-19-0001)
2021020321 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) SFPUC Prescribed Burn Project
2021020320 City of Lakewood Water Well 28
2021020319 Sacramento County Operation of Golden State Water Station
2006101141 Riverside County Sevilla Tract 32151 Residential Development Project
2020110355 City of Woodland Sports Park Drive Pedestrian Overcrossing Project