SCH Number 2021020329

Project Info

Lake Forest Zone B to C Pump Station Project
IRWD is proposing to construct a new pump station to improve the water quality within IRWD’s Zone B to C recycled water system. In addition to the construction of the new Zone B to C Recycled Water Pump Station, the Project would decommission the existing Zone B to C Pump Station, which is located adjacent to the existing IRWD Zone B East Reservoir. The existing pump station has exceeded its useful service life and is not a standard, fully enclosed, IRWD pump station. The demolition of the existing Lake Forest Zone B to C Pump Station would occur after the construction of the proposed new pump station. The proposed Project would also develop a new intertie between the Upper Oso Reservoir and the Lake Forest Zone C distribution system. The intertie meter would be located along Portola Parkway, between El Toro Road and Saddleback Parkway. Construction of the proposed intertie would occur within the third and fourth southbound lanes of travel along Portola Parkway. The proposed intertie would provide the ability to isolate Upper Oso Reservoir from IRWD’s recycled water distribution system. The proposed intertie would be closed during normal operations, but would be available to augment recycled water supplies into IRWD’s Lake Forest Zone C system during maintenance operations of the IRWD system or to deliver excess recycled water flow to Santa Margarita Water District (SMWD) during low-demand periods.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Irvine Ranch Water District Lake Forest Zone B to C Pump Station Project
Irvine Ranch Water District Lake Forest Zone B to C Pump Station Project