Wednesday, October 18, 2017

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32 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2017108369 Kern County PLN17-01660
2017108372 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Gaviota Remote Automated Weather Station
2015091001 San Bernardino County Skypark at Santa's Village Project (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit no. 2081-2017-034-06 (ITP)
2017108360 Kern County PLN17-01664
2017108366 Kern County PLN17-01659
2017108363 Kern County PLN17-01623
2017102054 Yuba County EA 2017-0011 (Hallwood Side Channel & Floodplain Restoration Project on the Lower Yuba River)
2017108361 Kern County PLN17-01665
2017108367 Kern County PLN17-01661
2017108364 Kern County PLN17-01682
2017101039 City of San Luis Obispo Twin Creeks
2017102052 City of Half Moon Bay Highway 1 / South Main Street Signalization Project
2017108375 Office of Exposition Park Management (OEPM) Strategic ATP 360: Comprehensive Active Transportation Plan for Exposition Park
2017108358 Kern County PLN17-01666
2017102053 Yuba County CUP 2017-0003 (The Forest Biomass Business Center Bioenergy Facility)
2017108362 Kern County PLN17-01621
2017101037 Los Angeles Unified School District Roosevelt High School Comprehensive Modernization Project
2017108359 Kern County PLN17-01663
2015072019 Placer County Winery Ordinance Update-Zoning Text Amendments (PCPJ 20130151)
2017108356 Kern County PLN17-01637
2004101032 City of San Diego Tijuana River Valley Channel Maintenance Project
2017108376 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 9 Outlet Maintenance Program Project
2017108370 Kern County PLN17-01595
2017108373 California Fish and Game Commission (CDFGC) Add Secton 128, Title 14, California Code of Regulations; Re: Warty Sea Cuci,ber
2006041039 San Diego County Otay Crossings Commerce Park
2017108374 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1E (CDFW) Martinez Water Diversion Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0192-R1)
2017102051 Mendocino Council of Governments Covelo State Route 162 Corridor Multi-Purpose Trail Project
2017108357 Kern County PLN17-01662
2017108368 Kern County PLN17-01657
2017108365 Kern County PLN17-01658
2017108371 Kern County PLN17- 01627
2017101040 Santa Barbara County Hoop Structures Ordinance Amendment