Thursday, September 17, 2015
- Received Date
- 2015-09-17
- Edit Search
26 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2015098268 | NOE | California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 2 (CDFW) | Windrem Irrigation Pump (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0114-R2) | |
2015098272 | NOE | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) | Butte Fire Center Renovation Project | |
2015091047 | MND | Imperial County | Valencia 2 Solar Project (Conditional Use Permit#15-0020) | |
2015091048 | MND | Imperial County | Valencia 1 Solar Project (Conditional Use Permit #15-0019) | |
2015091046 | MND | Imperial County | Valencia 3 Solar Project (Conditional Use Permit#15-0021) | |
2014071054 | EIR | City of Los Angeles | The Reef (formerly SOLA Village) Project | |
2015098270 | NOE | Madera County | Acquisition of Black Hawk Ranch | |
2014061081 | EIR | Merced County | Highway 59 Landfill Valley Fill Project | |
2015098269 | NOE | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Weymouth Water Treatment Plant Hydraulic Gate Replacement Project | |
2015098275 | NOE | Mono County | Lower Rock Creek Mutual Water Company Noise Variance 15-001 | |
2014121057 | NOD | Monterey County | Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail - Moss Landing Segment Bicycle/Pedestrian Path and Bridge Project | |
2004012110 | NOD | City of Oakland | Wood Street Development Area 1 - Parcel 2 (10th Street; PLN15047-PUDF01-A01; VTPM10346) | |
2012102047 | NOD | City of Oakland | Wood Street Development Area 1 - Parcel 2 (10th Street; PLN15047-PUDF01-A01; VTPM10346) | |
2015092045 | MND | Port of Oakland | Airport Perimeter Dike FEMA and Seismic Improvements Project | |
2015091044 | MND | Oxnard School District | Lemonwood Elementary School Reconstruction Project | |
2015062004 | NOD | Reclamation District No. 108 | Knights Landing Outfall Gates Project (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2015-048-02 (ITP)) (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreem | |
2015098273 | NOE | Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) | Meeks Creek Pole Replacement Project | |
2006072098 | NOP | Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency | Updated Local Funding Mechanisms for Sacramento Area Flood Control Improvements | |
2015091045 | NOP | San Diego Unified School District | Central Elementary School and Wilson Middle School Redevelopment Project | |
2015082036 | NOD | San Joaquin Delta Community College District | San Joaquin Delta College Soccer Field Replacement | |
2000072051 | NOD | Solano Transportation Authority | Jepson Parkway Project, Phase 2 | |
2015098267 | NOE | State Water Resources Control Board | Syngenta Seeds Well 2 & Arsenic Treatment System | |
2015098274 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | Thunderbird Wall Removal | |
2014061027 | EIR | City of Thousand Oaks | Highgate Estates | |
2014062045 | NOD | Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority | Addendum to Yuba Goldfields 200-Year Flood Protection Project | |
2015098271 | NOE | California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | Pace Preserve Bufferlands Acquisition |