Thursday, June 2, 2011

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34 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2011031005 California Department of Transportation, District 8 Colton Crossing Railroad Grade Separation Project
2008092071 California Department of Parks and Recreation Carrington Property Immediate Public Use Facilities Project
200807 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians (APN 404-080-26; formally APN 404-080-24)
2010111027 Fowler Unified School District Alternative Education Relocation and Grass Parking/Physical Education/Athletic Field Expansion Project
2011068008 California Department of Parks and Recreation Orwin Way Modular Residence
2011062002 Napa County Rogers Ranch Conn Valley Vineyard #P09-00274-ECPA
2004121148 City of Victorville Residential Subdivision Tt-05-007/17183 and Tt-05-008/17184 and Associated Adopting Resolutions 9Minor Amendment No. 1 to the california Endangered Species Act
2011062005 California Department of Parks and Recreation California Coastal Trail Project at Salt Point State Park and Fort Ross State Historic Park
2005011047 City of Victorville Residential Subdivision Tt-05-007/17183 and Tt-05-008/17184 and Associated Adopting Resolutions 9Minor Amendment No. 1 to the california Endangered Species Act
2011068022 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) 3794 Montreal Road Project
2011061006 Tulare County Special Use Permit No. PSP 10-055 - Gleanings for the Hungry
2011068016 City of Mission Viejo Mission Viejo Retrofit Noise Barrier Project
2011062008 Yuba Community College District Woodland Community College Solar Array
2011062009 Yuba Community College District Colusa County Outreach Facility Solar Array
2011061007 South Coast Air Quality Management District Proposed Amended Rule (PAR) 1133.1-Chipping and Grinding Activities and Proposed Rule (PR) 1133.3-Emission Reductions from Greenwaste Composting Operations
2011062003 Humboldt County Luke McCanless Residence
2002071089 March Joint Powers Authority Approval and adoption of an Addendum prepared for a site plan in the Meridian Business center for a 600,000 square foot distribution center on 26.95 acres
2011068014 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Authorize Preliminary Design of Seismic Upgrades for the Diemer Administration Building and Filter Buildings
2011032057 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Marysville Roadway Rehabilitation Project
2011062004 Tuolumne County Stone Tentative Parcel Map T08-029
2011061005 City of Santa Maria Revisions to the Land Use and Circulation Elements of the General Plan
2011068015 State Water Resources Control Board Petition by Sonoma County Water Agency Requesting Approval of a Temporary Urgency Change Petition in Water Right Permits 12947A, 12949, 12950, and 16596
2011068012 California Department of Parks and Recreation Cordoza Ridge Remote Automated Weather Station Installation
2009022077 Humboldt County Humboldt County 2009 Housing Element
2011068009 California Department of Parks and Recreation Gorman Modular Residence/Office
2011011076 City of Agoura Hills Fountain Place Villas
2009071069 March Joint Powers Authority Approval and adoption of an Addendum prepared for a site plan in the Meridian Business center for a 600,000 square foot distribution center on 26.95 acres
2011068010 California Department of Parks and Recreation Residence 1 & 2 Garage Door Replacement
2010101036 Tulare County Lerda-Goni Farms Dairy-Dairy Operation and Crop Production (PSP 07-012)
2011062010 Yuba Community College District Yuba College, Sutter County Facility Solar Array
2011068007 City of Cloverdale Acquitition of Clover Springs Property for Open Space and Recreational Use and Grant of Conservation Easement to Sonoma County Agricultual Preservation and Open
2011062007 Yuba Community College District Yuba College Solar Array & Central Plant
2002101020 City of Irvine Heritage Fields 2012 - General Plan Amendment and Zone Change
2011069003 City and County of San Francisco Cargo Way Bicycle Facility Construction (San Francisco Bicycle Plan)