Friday, November 5, 2010

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32 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2010118129 California Department of Parks and Recreation Santa Ana River Bikeway Detour, Chino Hills SP (10/11-IE-2)
2010111033 Henry Miller Reclamation District 2131 Eastside Conveyance Project
2005012101 Contra Costa Water District Maintenance and Operation of the Los Vaqueros Project including the new Alternative Intake Project 2081-2009-013-03
2005012101 Contra Costa Water District Maintenance and Operation of the Los Vaqueros Project including the new Alternative Intake Project 2081-2009-013-03
2005012101 Contra Costa Water District Maintenance and Operation of the Los Vaqueros Project including the new Alternative Intake Project 2081-2009-013-03
1999121111 California State University, Channel Islands (CSUCI) California State University Channel Islands, Certify the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report and Approve the Campus Master Plan Revision
2010111030 San Diego County Sanders Minor Subdivision (4 lots)
2009111101 Watershed Conservation Authority Whittier Narrows Dam Basin Recreation Area (WNRA) Master Development Plan Input
2010118137 State Water Resources Control Board Temporary Urgency Change in License Conditions
2010112020 Humboldt County Oneill Special Permit
2010108067 Inyo County Independence Water Storage Reservoir Replacement Project
2010041018 City of Paso Robles City of Paso Robles Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade; Agreement 2010-0143-R4
2010112021 Sonoma County Kistler Bodega Ranch Winery and Minor Timberland Conversion Zoning Permit
2004031136 San Diego County Cumming Ranch Specific Plan
2010118138 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Removal Action Workplan (RAW), Proposed New High School No. 12, Study Area J- Lazy A Ranch
2010112018 Shasta County Use Permit 10-012 Pit River Casino Sign
2010118132 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Feather River Fish Barrier Pool Pipeline and Boat Ramp Maintenance, Oroville, CA
2010118135 Fish & Game #4 Agreement No. 2010-0145-R4; Clear aerial View for Billboard Project
2010112015 City of Cupertino Scenic Circle Access to Stevens Creek Trail and Blackberry Farm Park Project
2010112016 Shasta County Use Permit 09-019 (Union Pacific Railroad)
2010112019 City of Williams Williams Redevelopment Plan Project
2010118136 California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Modification of Iron and Manganese treatment - Addition of Arsenic Removal Process; Water System #3310025
2010118130 California Department of Parks and Recreation Munitions and Explosives Investigations, Lake Perris SRA (10/11-IE-6)
2010111031 City of Murrieta Adoption and Implementation of the Murrieta 2008-2014 Housing Element
2010118133 University of California, Riverside AT&T Cell Tower at Glen Mor 1
2010111032 City of El Segundo Environmental Assessment EA-881; Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Amendment SPA 10-01; and Zone Text Amendment ZTA 10-04
2010112017 Shasta County Parcel Map 07-007 (Yount/Rizzo)
2010118131 California Department of Parks and Recreation Clear Lake SP Himalayan Blackberry Removal and Riparian Habitat
2010061005 City of Clovis Well Replacement Project at Letterman Park
2010118134 University of California, Riverside Verizon Wireless Cell Tower - West Side of Track Stadium
2000031058 San Diego County Salvation Army Divisional Camp and Retreat; P70-379W2; Log No. 98-14-023
2010111029 City of Garden Grove GPA=1-10(A)/PUD-126-10/CUP-303-10/PM-2010-1178/DA-183-10