SCH Number 2010061005

Project Info

Well Replacement Project at Letterman Park
The work will include the removal of existing on-site improvements, including several mature trees, playground equipment, possible removal of a restroom building, parking lot modifications, abandonment of the existing well, and construction of one new drinking water well. The construction of the new well involves reverse circulation rotary drilling, well development, contraction and installation of various water facilities including casing, pump manifold, an electrical motor, discharge piping, wellhead, foundations, valves, chlorination facilities, a programmable logic controller (PLC) panel, motor control center (MCC), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, electrical facilities, security lighting, fencing, security gates, and other related improvements and appurtenances. The chlorination facilities include an compliance with the California Statures and Regulations regarding drinking water, California Department of Public Health, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Safe Drinking Water Act.
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City of Clovis Well Replacement Project at Letterman Park
City of Clovis Well Replacement Project at Letterman Park