Tuesday, September 14, 2010
- Received Date
- 2010-09-14
- Edit Search
18 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2010091037 | NEG | City of Azusa | City of Azusa 2008-2014 Housing Element | |
2010092045 | MND | Contra Costa County | Clyde Pedestrian Path Project | |
2010092047 | MND | Contra Costa County | Upper and Lower Sand Creek Basin Expansion Project | |
2007061044 | NOD | City of Corona | Foothill Parkway Westerly Extension | |
2009021077 | NOD | Kern County | Windstar Project (CESA Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2010-017-04) | |
2010031038 | OTH | Kern County | EIR 02-09 JLB Lost Hills Solar Project by Next Light (PP10215), GPA No. 6; CUP No 11, Map 28, Cancellation of Williamson Act Land Use Contract | |
2010091036 | MND | City of Los Angeles | ENV-2008-1306-MND- 7861 N. Ethel Avenue | |
2010092044 | MND | Napa County | Soscol Hotel | |
2010092046 | NEG | Napa County | Leff - Vineyard #P09-00396-ECPA | |
2010092043 | MND | Napa County | Soscol Gateway Transit Center | |
2009091054 | EIR | City of Pismo Beach | Price Canyon General Plan Update and Spanish Springs Specific Plan | |
2010098185 | NOE | Placer County | Jansen Ranch Riparian Restoration Project | |
2010098184 | NOE | Placer County | Fickewirth Farms Riparian Restoration and Bridge Crossing Project | |
2010098183 | NOE | Placer County | Creekside Church | |
2009061065 | EIR | Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation | Eagle Canyon Dam and Debris Basin Project | |
2010092040 | NEG | Sacramento Regional Sanitation District | Sump 119 Outfall Demolition | |
2010094006 | EA | United States Army | SATCOM Regional Hub Node Project | |
2010092042 | MND | Town of Windsor | Bell Village |