Friday, July 20, 2007

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71 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2007071103 City of Los Angeles Westfield Fashion Square Expansion
2007042089 City of Chico Lassen Village Tentative Subdivision Map, Planned Development, and General Plan Amendment (S/ PDP 06-14, GPA 06-04)
2007078239 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Reclamation District 2063, San Joaquin River, River Mile 101.56, Stanislaus County, CA PL-84-99 Repairs
2006092124 City of Point Arena Belden Comprehensive Development Plan
2007078236 University of California Police Station Replacement Building
2007042072 California Department of Transportation, District 10 Pool Station Intersection Improvement 10-CAL-4-PM 14.5/14.9
2007042072 California Department of Transportation, District 10 Pool Station Intersection Improvement 10-CAL-4-PM 14.5/14.9
2005092055 City of Jackson Land Use/Circulation Element Updates; Revisions to Zoning/Development Ordinance
2007051123 University of California, Irvine Telemedicine/Prime-LC
2006118095 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) DWR 2006 Critical Levee Emergency Repair Project - Site CAC 4.2L
2007052016 Humboldt County Steve Moser
2007031020 University of California, Los Angeles UCLA Spieker Aquatic Center
2006122048 City of Oakland Measure DD Implementation Project
2006052041 Fish and Game (HQ) Environmental Services Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-07-0260 South Fork Garcia River Restoration II Project
2006052041 Fish and Game (HQ) Environmental Services Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-07-0334 Yager Creek Channel Restoration Project
2007032093 Humboldt County Big Lagoon Rancheria Conditional Use Permit, Planned Development Permit, Notice of Merger and Special Permit
2007072087 Nevada County Ridgetop Holdings, LLC
2007072093 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sewer Lift Repair and Replacement
2005091147 Jurupa Community Services District Well 25 Water Supply Permit
2007072090 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 6 (Lahontan) Upper Perazzo Meadow Area Watershed Restoration Project
2004021108 City of Riverside Recirculated Draft Program Environmental Impact Report for the General Plan 2025 Program
2007078247 Department of General Services (DGS) Right of Entry Permit and Underground Sewer Pipeline Easement across from Fairgrounds of 36 DAA at 655 South First Street
2007071118 City of Los Angeles ENV-2006-10452-MND
2007062021 City of Benicia Lower Arsenal Mixed Use Specific Plan
2004011036 City of Seaside Dry Weather Diversion at Bay Street Outfall Project (Project); Clean Beaches Initiative #195
2006118093 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) DWR 2006 Critical Levee Emergency Repair Project - Site CAC 3.9L
2007079024 Shasta County SAA No. R1-07-0153
2007078245 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) LCWPD Middle Creek, Mile 2.6, Site 20051230-009-001 RL 04-99 Repair
2007071109 City of Bakersfield Panama/Ashe Commercial Center Project
2007072085 Sacramento County Kuleshov Tentative Parcel Map and Exception
2007078242 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Reclamation District 3, Grand Island, Sacramento River and Steamboat Slough, Sacrameto County, CA, PL84-99 Repairs
2006012139 City and County of San Francisco Polhemus Creek Restoration Project
2007052022 University of California Guest House Building
2007071106 Monterey County Bartlebaugh
2007072088 Sacramento County SMF Road & Parking Lot Maintenance Program
2007072082 San Mateo County Harbor District Oyster Point Marina Breakwater Reconfiguration Project
2007078248 Department of General Services (DGS) Permit to Operate Groundwater Monitoring Wells at the Metropolitan State Hospital
2007071110 Monterey Peninsula Unified School District Marina High School and Joint Use Community Recreation Facilities
2007072086 City of Cotati Eucalyptus Glen
2007078246 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Reclamation District 785. Yolo Bypass East Levee, Yolo County, California, (Site 20051230-035-001), PL-84-88 Repairs
2007042102 Fish and Game (HQ) Environmental Services Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-07-0333 Sproul Creek Salmonid Habitat Enhancement Project
2007042102 Fish and Game (HQ) Environmental Services Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-07-0331 Fox Creek Road Upgrade Project
2007042102 Fish and Game (HQ) Environmental Services Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-07-0391 Little Larabee Watershed Sediment Control Project
2007071107 Imperial County Rancho Los Lagos Specific Plan/Change of Zone/General Plan Amendment/Major Subdivision
2007078249 Department of General Services (DGS) Right of Entry Permit and Underground Gas Pipeline Easement for the PG&E Pipeline Relocation at the Sonoma Developmental Center
2007072089 City of Trinidad Knapp Minor Subdivision
2006121033 City of San Bernardino Hospitality Lane Commercial Mixed Use Project - Tentative Parcel Map No. 17772 (SUB No. 06-02), Conditional Use Permit No. 06-26, & Conditional Use Permit No. 0
2005091157 University of California, Irvine Irvine Biomedical Research Facility, Building 4
2007032123 University of California Veterinary Medicine 3B
2007022096 City of Stockton Southpointe Redevelopment Project
2007078237 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sugarloaf Ridge Flood Damage Repairs
2007072083 Contra Costa County RZ06 3177; SD06 9106; DP06 3024 - Sleepy Hollow
2007078243 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Maintenance Area 1, Sacramento River, RM155.5 R, Site 20051230-07--001, PL 84-99 Repair
2007078240 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Reclamation District 1001, Natomas Cross Canel, Bear River and Yankee Slough, Sutter County, CA PL-844-99 Repairs
2001021065 University of California Social Sciences and Management Building
2007071104 Los Angeles County Marina Del Rey Low Flow Diversion Project #3872
2000102046 University of California LBNL 2006 Long Range Development Plan
2007078244 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Reclamation District 900, Sacramento River, River Mile 54.5 Site 20051230-013-005 PL 84-99 Repair`
2007071108 City of Santa Paula Tentative Tract Map 5475
2007051068 University of California, Santa Barbara Engineering Unit II Life Safety Improvements and Addition
2007072084 Sacramento County Coulter Tentative Parcel Map
2007072081 City of Dublin Windstar
2007071105 University of California, Irvine Arts Building Project
2007078241 California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Reclamation District 551 and 755, Sacramento River, Sacramento County, CA PL-84-99 Repairs
2004081159 Santa Barbara County Update to the Santa Barbara County Uniform Rules for Agricultural Preserves and Farmland Security Zones (Uniform Rules)
2007078238 California Department of Parks and Recreation Rebuild Storm Damaged Crib Wall
2007079025 Alpine County Kirkwood Mountain Resort Culvert Placement and Stream Restoration
2002012078 City of St. Helena Comprehensive Flood Protection Project (Project); State Revolving Fund #C-06-6093-110
2007078235 Santa Ana Unified School District Edward B. Cole, Str. Academy and Achievement Reinforcement Center Project
2002061026 City of Coalinga City of Coalinga General Plan Update Master EIR
2007071119 City of Los Angeles ENV-2006-10391-MND