SCH Number 2002012078

Project Info

City of St. Helena Comprehensive Flood Protection Project
The Project will result in the temporary removal of 530 linear feet of habitat for California freshwater shrimp (syncaris pacifica), a state-listed endangered species, along the west bank of the Napa River. Bank work will require heavy equipment operations within the low flow channel of the Napa River. A cofferdam will be placed within the channel and dewatered. The 530 feet of shoreline will be replaced with bioengineered shoreline log structures and vegetated coir pillows to recreate habitat features. Up to 300 feet on constructed shrimp structures will also be placed near the confluence of Sulphur Creek with the Napa River. The project will include dewatering of Napa River, relocation of shrimp, and measures to minimize effects to the shrimp; however, incidental take is expected to occur. The ITP referenced above as issued by DFG authorizes incidental take of species listed under CESA that may occur as a result of Project implementation.
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10 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of St. Helena Comprehensive Flood Protection Project (Project); State Revolving Fund #C-06-6093-110
City of St. Helena Comprehensive Flood Protection Project (Project); State Revolving Fund #C-06-6093-110
City of St. Helena St. Helena Comprehensive Flood Protection EIR
City of St. Helena St. Helena Comprehensive Flood Protection EIR
City of St. Helena St. Helena Comprehensive Flood Protection EIR
City of St. Helena City of St. Helena Comprehensive Flood Protection Project
City of St. Helena City of St. Helena Comprehensive Flood Protection Project
City of St. Helena City of St. Helena Comprehensive Flood Protection Project
City of St. Helena St. Helena Comprehensive Flood Protection EIR
City of St. Helena St. Helena Comprehensive Flood Protection EIR