SCH Number 2007071107

Project Info

Rancho Los Lagos Specific Plan Project
In June 2012, the Imperial County Board of Supervisors approved the Rancho Los Lagos Specific Plan, Final EIR, Findings of Fact, MMRP, General Plan Amendment, Vesting Tentative Tract Map 974, a Rezone Ordinance, and Development Agreement. The project did not move forward at that time. The applicant has re-initiated entitlement efforts, which includes modifications to the Specific Plan. The City of Brawley proposes to annex the 1,076-acre project site, which consists of two parcels (APN 040-130-010 and APN 040-130-012) and expand infrastructure in support of the project. The project is designed to be a pedestrian-oriented residential community with a total of 3,830 dwelling units consisting of 1,828 single-family dwelling units; 1,063 multi-family dwelling units, of which 169 are assisted living units; and 939 gated active adult dwelling units In addition to the 540-acre residential area, the proposed project would also include a 139-acre golf course, 179 acres of open space and recreational areas, 218 acres of commercial development, a site to be developed as a fire station, two school sites, and a 119.9-acre Industrial Business Park. A 20-acre resort hotel and spa are also planned.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Brawley Rancho Los Lagos Specific Plan Project
Imperial County Rancho Los Lagos Specific Plan/Change of Zone/General Plan Amendment/Major Subdivision
Imperial County Rancho Los Lagos Specific Plan/Change of Zone/General Plan Amendment/Major Subdivision