Friday, November 8, 2002
- Received Date
- 2002-11-08
- Edit Search
29 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2002031157 | NOD | Carpinteria Valley Water District (CVWD) | Carpinteria Reservoir Retrofit Project Draft Environmental Impact Report | |
2002071040 | EIR | City of Corona | Mountain Gate Specific Plan Amendment EIR (SPA02-005) and TTM 30366 | |
2002092028 | NOD | City of Fort Bragg | Glass Beach Site Remediation | |
2000011035 | NOD | Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District | Providence Landing Residential Development | |
2002111048 | NEG | Los Angeles County | CUP/OTP/IEC Realignment 01-094 | |
2002072020 | NOD | Los Rios Community College District | American River College Learning Resource Center Expansion | |
2002072021 | NOD | Los Rios Community College District | El Dorado Center Parking Lot | |
2002112031 | NEG | Nevada Irrigation District | Lease for Maintenance Dredging of NID's Property on the Bear River | |
2001052001 | EIR | Port of Oakland | Metroport (aka Hegenberger Gateway) | |
1996121072 | NOD | Orange County | Saddleback Meadows Residential Development | |
1997101065 | FYI | Orange County Sanitation District | Effluent Pump Station Annex and Collection System Odor and Corrosion Control Program | |
2002118119 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Sewer System Replacement - Larkin Residence/Garage | |
2002101034 | NOD | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Mile Climb Trail Rehabilitation and Habitat Restoration | |
2002118120 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Grand Avenue Restroom Facility | |
2002118118 | NOE | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Burchell Road Water System, Chlorination System | |
2002111045 | NEG | Riverside County | Denha Residential Development | |
2001071021 | EIR | Riverside County | EIR 442 for Wineville Center Pointe South- Change of Zone No. 6588 Parcel Map No. 29537 and Plot Plan 16937 | |
2002112035 | NOP | City of San Jose | General Plan Text Amendment and Subsequent Permits to Allow Interim Recreational Uses in the South Almaden Valley Urban Reserve (SAVUR), File No. GPT01-10-02 | |
2002111047 | NEG | San Luis Obispo County | Anderson Grading Permit & Lot Line Adjustment, B001811-001 & S000042L COAL00-0231 | |
2002111049 | NOP | Santa Barbara County | Laguna County Sanitary District Stockpile Removal Project | |
2002112033 | NOP | Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit Commission | SMART Corridor Project | |
2002112032 | NEG | City of South Lake Tahoe | So. Y Industrial Tract Community Plan | |
2002112044 | NEG | City of Tracy | Linne Road Reservoir | |
2002118117 | NOE | Turlock Irrigation District | Riparian Water Supply Siphon for Dave Wilson Nursery | |
2002111046 | NEG | Tustin Unified School District | UTT Middle School Field Lighting | |
2002114004 | JD | United States Air Force (USAF) | Beale Air Force Base Corrosion Control Facility | |
2002112034 | NEG | City of Vacaville | Davis Street Plaza Freeway Sign | |
2002111044 | NEG | Victor Elementary School District | Hopland Playfield Site | |
2002112045 | NEG | Yuba County Water Agency | Yuba Goldfields Fish Barrier Project |