Friday, July 27, 2001

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72 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2001011020 California State Lands Commission North Baja Pipeline Project
2001071135 California Department of Transportation, District 10 Los Banos Bypass
2001042063 City of Campbell City of Campbell General Plan Update
2001071130 City of Carpinteria Leon Benon/Gary Goldberg
2001072112 Colusa County ED #01-42 Colusa County Canning Company
1995033049 Contra Costa Water District Contra Costa Water District-Bollman Water Treatment Plant Upgrade Refinance Project No. 0710003-01
2001078560 California Energy Commission Approval of Amended Condition of Certification TSE-1 for the Indigo Energy Facility Project (01-EP-02)
2000011035 Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District Providence Landing Residential Development
2001071133 Los Angeles County Conditional Use Permit 00-164 (California Paint Park)
2001071132 Los Angeles County Los Angeles County Sheriff's Station in San Dimas
2001071129 Los Angeles Unified School District Central Los Angeles New High School No. 2 and Central Los Angeles New Continuation High School No. 1
2001062080 Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District 2001 Amendment to Windy Hill Open Space Preserve Use and Management Plan
2001071134 Oceanside Unified School District El Camino High School New Science and Technology Building
2001078525 California Department of Parks and Recreation Archaeological Site Assessment
2001078529 California Department of Parks and Recreation Exotic Plant Removal
2001078506 California Department of Parks and Recreation Reptile/Amphibian Resource Inventory
2001078526 California Department of Parks and Recreation Repave Sector Office Service Road and Parking
2001078543 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sewer Line Repair or Replacement
2001078505 California Department of Parks and Recreation Resource Inventory (Birds)-Delta Meadows River Park
2001078534 California Department of Parks and Recreation Exotic Species Removal
2001078511 California Department of Parks and Recreation Develop Riparian and Redwood Habitat Recovery Plan
2001078528 California Department of Parks and Recreation Removal of Spoil
2001078545 California Department of Parks and Recreation Cactus Display
2001078522 California Department of Parks and Recreation Navarro Inn Historic Structure Report
2001078508 California Department of Parks and Recreation Replace Restroom
2001078542 California Department of Parks and Recreation Telephone Cable
2001078513 California Department of Parks and Recreation Historic Structures Report-Odello Creamery
2001078530 California Department of Parks and Recreation Celestial Roof Bat House
2001078507 California Department of Parks and Recreation Vegetation Resource Inventory
2001061009 California Department of Parks and Recreation Brush Canyon Trail/Road Removal
2001078533 California Department of Parks and Recreation Connector Trail
2001078510 California Department of Parks and Recreation Cultural Resource Inventory and Management Plan -Point Lobos Ranch
2001078527 California Department of Parks and Recreation Resource Inventory (Fish) - Delta Meadows River Park
2001078514 California Department of Parks and Recreation Historic Structures Report-Odello Barn
2001078531 California Department of Parks and Recreation Main Terrace Tile Deck Rehabilitation
2001078536 California Department of Parks and Recreation Removal of Fish Cleaning Station
2001078539 California Department of Parks and Recreation Display Case and Bench Installation
2001078503 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sewer/Storm Drain Line Easement
2001078540 California Department of Parks and Recreation Bridge Installation
2001078523 California Department of Parks and Recreation Historic Structures Report - CCC Recreational Hall
2001078520 California Department of Parks and Recreation Archaeological Site Assessment
2001078544 California Department of Parks and Recreation Natural Gas Survey
2001078521 California Department of Parks and Recreation Plover Predator Study
2001078537 California Department of Parks and Recreation Telephone System Upgrade
2001078524 California Department of Parks and Recreation Replace Siding - Residence #3
2001078504 California Department of Parks and Recreation Pergola Irrigation System
2001078541 California Department of Parks and Recreation Dust Suppressant
2001078515 California Department of Parks and Recreation Historic Structures Report-Cooper Cabin
2001078538 California Department of Parks and Recreation Pantoll Culvert Replacement
2001078532 California Department of Parks and Recreation Trail Signs
2001078535 California Department of Parks and Recreation Borrow Sites
2001078512 California Department of Parks and Recreation Prehistoric Archeological Site Assessment
2001079065 Plumas County 5 RM 127-128 Martin Ranch, Lot 27 Amendment by Certificate of Correction
2001052029 Plumas County TPM 12-00/01-8 Leonhardt, E.D. & D.
1999079001 Plumas County TPM 12-98/99-04 Lindner - Dunham
1993082069 Plumas County Eureka Springs Phase II TSM/PD #5-00/01-6
1992092074 Plumas County Amendment of Walker Ranch Planned Development Permit - Bailey Creek: Planned Development 7-92/93-01
1992092074 Plumas County Amendment of Walker Ranch Planned Development Permit - Bailey Creek: Planned Development 7-92/93-01
2001071131 Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation County Line Channel Flood Control Project
2001072113 City of Roseville Atkinson Street Bridge
1997052086 Sacramento County Sacramento International Airport Parking Garage
2001062015 City of Sacramento North Natomas Place (P00-094/095)
2000081015 San Diego County Sitto Residential Subdivision, TM 5127, Log No. 98-14-005
2001078559 San Luis and Delta Mendota Water Authority Temporary Shutdown of the Middle Cross Feeder
2001078556 San Luis and Delta Mendota Water Authority Entry Permit for U.C.P., Inc. for the Purpose of Grading and Construction for Road Improvements
2001078557 San Luis and Delta Mendota Water Authority Reroofing of the Administrative Building and Service Building No. 1 at the Robert A. Skinner Filtration Plant
2001078561 San Luis and Delta Mendota Water Authority Repair of the Existing Second Lower Feeder Pipeline Station Nos. 217+31 through 220+91
2001078558 San Luis and Delta Mendota Water Authority Weed Abatement Services to be Provided by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
2001071128 Santa Barbara County Santa Maria Juvenile Center Expansion
2001078571 City of Santa Clarita WHITNEY CANYON ACQUISITION
1999031096 City of Santee Santee Trolley Square (Town Center Specific Plan Amend. TCSPA01-01; Conditional Use Permit P01-06; Tentative Parcel Map TPM01-02)
2001072111 Tehama County Tehama County 2001 Regional Transportation Plan