Thursday, January 25, 2018
- Received Date
- 2018-01-25
- Edit Search
36 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2018018338 | NOE | City of Avenal | Solar Power Photovoltaic Generation Systme at WWTP | |
2014124003 | FIN | U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management | Proposed Land Exchange between Bureau of Land Management & Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilia Indians | |
2017121069 | OTH | California City | Correctional Development Facility at California City | |
2018011042 | MND | California Department of Transportation, District 5 | Big Sur Capital Preventative Maintenance Project | |
2017101043 | FIN | California Department of Transportation, District 6 | Tipton Bridge Replacement Project | |
2017101043 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, District 6 | Tipton Bridge Replacement Project | |
2015102075 | NOD | Central Valley Flood Protection Board | Western Pacific Interceptor Canal Culvert Replacement Project | |
2018018332 | NOE | Central Valley Flood Protection Board | Gregory Sanchez New Residence Project | |
2018012042 | MND | El Dorado County | U.S. 50/Ponderosa Road/South Shingle Springs Road Interchange Improvements Project | |
2018018329 | NOE | California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES) | Seismic Monitoring Station - Cuyamaca Peak | |
2018018330 | NOE | California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES) | Seismic Monitoring Station | |
2016091057 | NOD | City of Fontana | Southwest Fontana Logistics Center | |
2016104002 | FIN | Federated Indians of the Graton Rancheria | Graton Rancheria Hotel Expansion Project | |
2018012044 | MND | City of Hayward | City of Hayward Photovoltaic Renewable Energy Phase II Project | |
2018018336 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-02127 | |
2018018333 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-01669 | |
2018018335 | NOE | Kern County | PLN18-00030 | |
2018018337 | NOE | Kern County | PLN17-02126 | |
2013081079 | NOD | Kern County | Revisions to Kern County Zoning Ordinance - 2015 (C), Focus on Oil and Gas Local Permitting - Aera Energy DEHY2 to Cymric 12 & 20-inch Pipeline Project (Streamb | |
2016078065 | NOE | Madera County | MD-10A and Valley Teen Ranch Consolidation Project | |
2017121062 | NOD | City of Murrieta | Pinnacle Senior Housing | |
2017032017 | NOD | City of Nevada City | The Grove Residential Subdivision Removal Action Workplan (RAW) AKA: The Grove at Nevada City RAW | |
2011081055 | NOD | City of Oceanside | Concurrence in the Issuance of a Modified Solid Waste Facilities Permit for El Corazon Compost Facility in San Diego County, SWIS No. 37-AA-0907 | |
2017082062 | FIN | City of Pacifica | San Pedro Terrace Subdivision | |
2017082062 | NOD | City of Pacifica | San Pedro Terrace Subdivision SUB-234-16 | |
2018018328 | NOE | California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) | Mobilitie NPC2017-123 Los Angeles County Wireless Project | |
2017031031 | NOD | San Bernardino County | LAFCO SC#421 - City of Redlands Pre-Annexation Agreement 17-01 for Water and Sewer Service to Tentative Tract 19991 (Assessor Parcel Number 0298-261-46) | |
2014102023 | NOD | City of San Jose | Operation of McKean Tank, San Jose Water Company | |
2017091049 | NOD | City of San Luis Obispo | Pilot Program for Extended Open Space Hours of Use During Winter Months, Cerro San Luis Natural Reserve | |
2018012043 | MND | Solano Community College District | Library/Learning Resource Center Building (Building 100 Replacement) Project | |
2017062012 | NEG | Stanislaus County | Use Permit Application No. PLN2016-0132 - Robert Gioletti & Sons Dairy, Inc. | |
2018018331 | NOE | State Water Resources Control Board | San Gabriel Valley Water Company - El Monte, Plant W6 - AOP (UV Phox) System 1,4-Dioxane Project | |
2018012045 | MND | City of Vallejo | Sonic Burger @ Hwy. 37 | |
2002021080 | NOD | City of Vernon | Concurrence in the Issuance of a Modified Solid Waste Facilities Permit (SWFP) for Innovative Waste Control in the City of Vernon, SWIS No. 19-DE-0001 | |
2018011043 | MND | City of Whittier | Whittier Boulevard/Painter Avenue Intersection Improvement Project | |
2017102054 | NOD | Yuba County | EA 2017-0011 (Hallwood Side Channel & Floodplain Restoration Project on the Lower Yuba River) |